Interventions urgentes
26 June 2012 - International Day in Support of Victims of Torture
On the occasion of the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture:
- Join the International Campaign for the Absolute Prohibition of Torture and Ill-treatment
- Watch and share our video "Messages for the 26th June"
- Join OMCT in Geneva (Switzerland):
On 26 June at 19:00: Screening of the movie "After Life: 4 stories of torture" by Mervi Junkkonen, followed by a debate on "What life after torture?" (see enclosed the invitation)
The screening of the movie "After Life: 4 stories of torture" by Finnish director Mervi Junkkonen will be followed by a debate on "What life after torture" with Mr Abdennacer Nait Liman, a victim of torture, Dr Laurent Subilia, head of the Consultation for victims of torture and war at the Geneva Hospital, Ms. Anne-Laurence Lacroix, Deputy Secretary General at OMCT and Mr Philippe Conne, psychologist at Appartenances Vaud. - Join OMCT in Tunis (Tunisia):
On 25 June at 17:00: Screening of the movie "Handhal" followed by a debate between Me Radhia Nasraoui (lawyer), Dr Zeineb Abroug (sychiatrist) and the film maker
On 26 June at 16:00: Concert of various musical groups
On 26 June from 17:00: Tent of all associations "tous unis contre la torture" on Avenue Bourguiba
On 25-26 June: Photo exhibition of black-and-white portrays featuring victims of torture
On 25-26 June: Graffiti art
The majority of the events are going to take place in the Maison de la culture "Ibn Khouldoun" (See enclosed the programme)
Contact persons: Emtyez Bellali, eb@omct.org, +216 24 342 150; Gabriele Reiter, gr@omct.org, +216 52 325 750 - Join OMCT in Tripoli (Libya):
On 26 June at 18:00: "A panel discussion in Arabic on the prohibition of torture in Libya: Why, how and when?" in partnership with the Libyan Judges' Organisation and the Libyan Group to monitor human rights violations.
Three panelists will take the floor: Salah Al Margani, High Commissioner for the NationalElections, Roberto Garreton, human rights lawyer and member of the UnitedNations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, and Kalthoum Kennou,Investigating Judge at the Tribunal of Tozeur in Tunisia, Commissioner to the International Commission of Jurists andthe former Secretary General and still an active member of the Tunisian Judges’Association. Mr. Al Margani will be speaking about the legal status of tortureunder national law, as well as the use of torture in Libya underthe Ghaddafi regime. The second panelist, Mr. Garreton, will discuss thephilosophical reasons for why it is essential that torture is defined undernational law. Second he will discuss the international legal standards ontorture, and the requirements that Libya has asa state-party to the Convention Against Torture. Finally, Ms. Kennou willaddress the challenges of implementing the Convention Against Tortureregionally, but how civil society, including doctors, journalists, lawyers,etc. can and must play a key role in the fight to prevent torture. See enclosed the invitation. - Join our SOS-Torture Network Members in their respective activities for June 26 ! List of events
- Visit www.un.org/en/events/torturevictimsday/ for further information on the International Day