
Appel de l'acteur et cinéaste Gael García Bernal à Genève "Nous avons besoin d'un mécanisme international contre l'impunité au Mexique "

Geneva,March 13, 2018. The International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights (FIFDH),the World Organization Against Torture (OMCT) and the Mexican Commission forthe Defense and Promotion of Human Rights (CMDPDH) have united to bring thedeterioration of human rights in Mexico to the attention of the internationalcommunity. Invited in Geneva by these three organizations, Mexican actor andfilmmaker Gael García Bernal stated: "The serious situation concerning therights of citizens in Mexico requires the urgent attention of the UN HumanRights Council."

During a press conference organized by the FIFDH, prior toparticipating in tonight's public debate at the festival on the theme: Mexico:towards the end of impunity? Gael García Bernal explained that, for twelveyears, Mexico has faced an alarming level of violence. "The deployment of thousandsof military personnel to perform public security tasks in the context of thewar on drugs has resulted in serious violations of human rights and crimesagainst humanity. Since 2006, more than 200'000 murders have taken place, 2017being the most violent year of the last few decades of Mexican history.

He adds: "Mexico requires the urgent intervention of theHuman Rights Council and its member states to recognize and address the humanrights crisis. We need the cooperation of member countries of the Council forthe establishment of an international mechanism against impunity that helps ourcountry emerge from this crisis and ensure that the crimes that take place arenot repeated. We want to stop the unbearable normalization of violence. We donot want life to be about survival but to live it fully, freely, with joy andhope. In Mexico, we want peace.”

"TheFIFDH is carefully following the human rights situation in Mexico. This year,alongside Gael García Bernal, we have invited Mexican journalists AnabelHernandez and Ixchel Cisneros, as well as activist Juan Carlos Soni Bulos, whowill speak of the latest events taking place in Mexico with the audience."explained Isabelle Gattiker, the director of the FIFDH.

Gael García Bernal will speak tomorrow at the General Debateof the 37th session of the UN Human Rights Council. Year after year, violencecauses the deaths of young people, women and children, due to the actions ofthe Mexican authorities. The main cause of the perpetuation of these atrociouscrimes and human rights violations, such as torture, enforced disappearancesand extrajudicial executions, is impunity, fueled by corruption and the lack ofwillingness and diligence on the part of the institutions responsible forinvestigating and administering justice, stated Olga Guzmán Vergara, a memberof the Mexican Commission for the Defense and Promotion of Human Rights(CMDPDH).

"Although torture is a widespread practice in Mexico, asconfirmed by reports of the UN Human Rights Council, impunity reigns andvictims are forced to remain silent, without obtaining redress" states theSecretary General of the OMCT, Gérald Staberock.

It shouldbe noted that among the more than 10,000 criminal investigations that have beenopened, less than ten sentences have punished this crime.

Publicdebate at the FIFDH:
