
Mohamed Zaree remporte le Prix Martin Ennals pour les défenseur-e-s des droits humains 2017

MohamedZaree was selected by a jury of 10 global human rights organizations (See list below). The Award is given to humanrights defenders who have shown deep commitment to human rights and face greatpersonal risk. The aim of the award is to provide protection throughinternational recognition. Strongly supported by the City of Geneva, the Award waspresented by the United Nations Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights onOctober 10th at the University of Geneva.

Mohamed Zaree (Egypt)

Mohamed Zaree isa devoted human rights activist and legal scholar whose work focuses on humanrights advocacy around freedom of expression and association. He is also knownfor his role as the Egypt Country Director of the Cairo Institute for HumanRights Studies (CIHRS), which works throughout the Arabic speaking world. Heassumed this role after government pressure on CIHRS prompted them to relocatetheir headquarters to Tunis in 2014.

TheEgyptian government has been escalating its pressure on the human rightsmovement. Human rights NGOs and defenders are confronted with a growing wave ofthreats, harassment, and intimidation, legal and otherwise. Despite this, Zareeis leading CIHRS’ research, human rights education, and national advocacyinitiatives in Egypt and is shaping the media debateon human rightsissues. During this critical period for civil society, he is also leading theForum of Independent Egyptian Human Rights NGOs, a network aiming to unifyhuman rights groups in advocacy. Zaree’s initiatives have helped NGOs todevelop common approaches to human rights issues in Egypt.

Withinthe context of the renewed crackdown on Egyptian human rights organizations, hehas become a leading figure in Egypt’s human rights movement. Zaree iscurrently facinginvestigation under the “Foreign Funding Case” and is at high risk ofprosecution and life imprisonment. The “Foreign Funding Case” highly restrictsNGO activities. Despite this, Zaree continues to engage the authorities indialogue wherever possible, arguing that respect for human rights will increasestability in Egypt.

Zareehas been under a travel ban since May 2016. He remains present and active inEgypt and represents CIHRS inside the country.

Martin Ennals FoundationChair Dick Oosting stated: “Severe restriction of civil society’s space toexpress itself is what led Mohamed Zaree to advocate for human rights and fightfor the freedom of association. He is still paying the price for his courageousacts, and we urge his government to lift the travel ban.”


The two otherfinalists received Martin Ennals Prizes:

Karla Avelar (El Salvador)

Karla Avelar, a transgender woman in El Salvador, founded the country’sfirst organization of transgender women - COMCAVIS TRANS. She grew up on thestreets, suffering discrimination, violence, sexual exploitation, rape, andattempted murder. She works to change national legislation and the authorities’practices, by publicizing violations suffered by LGBTI people. Her advocacyhelped prompt the authorities to segregate LGBTI prisoners for their ownsafety, and provide HIV treatment. As a result ofher human rights work she has faced many deaththreats, in a context ofalarming violence levels against the LGBTI community in El Salvador.


FreeThe5KH are five human rightsdefenders who were recentlyreleased after 427 days of pre-trialdetention. They are awaiting trial and are banned from travel. There werewidespread international calls for their unconditional release, and a stop tojudicial harassment of human rights defenders in Cambodia. This comes in thecontext of an increasingly severe crackdown on civil society and the politicalopposition in Cambodia.


The main award ofthe human rights movement. TheMartin Ennals Award for Human Rights Defenders (MEA) is a unique collaborationamong ten of the world’s leading human rights organizations to give protection to human rights defendersworldwide. The Jury is composed of the following NGOs:

- Amnesty International

- EWDE Germany


- Front Line Defenders

- Human Rights First

- Human Rights Watch


- International Commission of Jurists

- International Service for Human Rights

- World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT)

Electronic versionwith video: http://bit.ly/2xufGUU

For further information, please contact: Michael Khambatta +41 79 474 8208

khambatta@martinennalsaward.orgor visit www.martinennalsaward.org