1st TO 10th OF DECEMBER 2012
- Event Date: 30.11.12
- Event Time: 22:35:00

Tortureand ill-treatment continue to occur all over the world and thesehuman rights violations remain too often unpunished.
HumanRights Defenders are the voice of those who are deprived of itbecause they are victims of torture, ill- treatment or summaryexecution.
OMCThas been supporting their brave fight for several years. From the 1stto the 10thof December, the organisation has decided to bring to light thestruggle of these women and men against torture, by illustrating thechallenges and the obstacles they face and the hopes anddisappointments they encounter in their everyday life.
Wewill introduce you to 10portraits over 10 days through faces representing five continents.
Weinvite you to discover the daily work and fight of these human rightsdefenders.
- Edeliza P. Hernandez / The Philippines
Executive Director, Medical Action Group - Igor Kalyapin / Russian Federation
Founder and Chair, Interregional NGO «Committee Against Torture» - Pierre-Claver Dekpoh / Togo
Secretary General ACAT - Togo - Franklin Castañeda Villacob / Colombia
President Committee in Solidarity with Political Prisoners - Kirity Roy / India
Secretary MASUM - Adam Bodnar / Poland
Board Vice-president Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights - Saida Ali / Kenya
Executive Director Coalition on Violence Against Women - Luis Pedernera / Uruguay
Child Rights Coordinator Institute of Legal and Social Studies of Uruguay - Yuvuz Binbay / Turkey
Founder and President SOHRAM-CASRA - Radhia Nasraoui / Tunisia
President Organisation Against Torture in Tunisia
Flash Mob OMCT "Nothing can justify torture" - December 1st, 2012 - Geneva
International Human Rights Day - Flash Mob OMCT - Geneva - December 2012 from OMCT / SOS-Torture Network on Vimeo.
NOTICE: This document was realized with the financial aid ofthe European Union and the Foundation Oak. The content of thisdocument lies in the responsibility of the OMCT only and cannot be consideredas reflecting the position of the European Union or the Foundation Oak.