Emergency support for human rights defenders at risk

The OMCT, through the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders and the EU HRD Protection mechanisms ProtectDefenders.eu, offers vital aid and urgent support to at-risk human rights defenders worldwide.

Our support includes various interventions such as medical care (including psychological support and rehabilitation), legal aid, social assistance, physical and digital security, communication tools, security training, safe transportation, and temporary relocation assistance.

Who is eligible?

Requests for material and emergency support to human rights defenders and organisations at risk are assessed case-by-case.

Applicants eligible for financial support must meet the following three criteria of identity, situation, and needs:

  • The applicant is a human rights defender or organisation working to defend human rights by the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights Defenders;
  • The applicant is exposed to risks as a result of their human rights work;
  • The applicant requires emergency support (lack of access to other sources of assistance will be taken into account).

What type of support?

The OMCT material assistance and emergency support are designed to be practical and adapted to the specific needs of human rights defenders at risk, prioritising their safety and the protection of their families and working environment.

We offer financial support and direct material assistance for a wide range of eligible costs, including:

  • Medical and psychosocial support
  • Legal support
  • Social assistance
  • Family support
  • Physical security
  • Digital security
  • Equipment replacement
  • Communications
  • Security capacity building
  • Transport security
  • Humanitarian assistance
  • Support for temporary relocation and monitoring

How to apply?

Applications for an emergency grant can be submitted by any human rights defender or NGO facing risks because their human rights work requires urgent support.


Please fill out and send the application form below to grants@omct.org. To submit your application by encrypted email, kindly contact the OMCT at the above address.

Each application will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

The average grant is €3,000, with a maximum of €10,000. Human rights defenders receiving emergency material support will sign a grant agreement specifying the purpose of the grant, mutual obligations, and reporting requirements. All applicants will receive a written response, whether their application is successful or not.

The OMCT is a member of ProtectDefenders.eu, the European Union human rights defenders mechanism implemented by the international civil society.

The OMCT wishes to thank the European Union, the Republic, and the Canton of Geneva for their support. The content of this page is the sole responsibility of the OMCT and should in no way be interpreted as reflecting the view(s) of the supporting institutions.