Urgent Interventions

Sudan: mass arrests, incommunicado detention and risk of torture of members of the political opposition

Case SDN 060902
Arbitrary arrests / Incommunicado detention / Torture / Risk of torture / Releases

The International Secretariat of OMCT has received new information concerning the following situation in Sudan.

New information

The International Secretariat of OMCT has been informed by the Sudan Organisation Against Torture (SOAT), a member of the OMCT network, that around 150 activists belonging to Sudan’s opposition have been arrested during the past two weeks in Khartoum, Kodofan, Wad Medani and North Darfour. Many of them are now reportedly being detained incommunicado and OMCT fears that they risk being subjected to torture or other forms of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment during their detention. OMCT is also gravely concerned that these persons may not receive fair trials and that due process will not be respected, potentially leading to harsh sentences being handed down.

According to the information received, the Sudanese Government arrested the following members of the Popular National congress Party – led by Mr. Hassan Al Turabi – who are accused of trying to undermine the Sudanese authorities’ attempts of peace negotiations aimed at ending Sudan’s civil war. Peace talks broke down on Monday September 2nd, 2002, reportedly after rebel forces from Southern Sudan occupied the town of Torit. The members of the PNC were accused of planning “acts of sabotage to create a state of instability and general chaos to impede the current peace march and drag the country into a field of killing and destruction”. According to the Sudanese Government, they have seized arms, explosives and documents from the members of the PNC, and the authorities claim that the PNC was planning to sabotage government talks and kill government officials. None of the detainees, however, have been charged with any offence.

According to the information received, the Government-controlled press in Sudan stated that a number of these arrests took place following a demonstration by PNC members, during which the home of the ruling National Congress Secretary General, Professor Ibrahim Ahmed Omar, was reportedly attacked. On Sunday August 25th, a Khartoum newspaper Akhbar Al Youm (‘Today’s News’), which is known to have links with the authorities, alleged that "documents were found with the suspects outlining their plans to abduct the NC Secretary General and hold him as a hostage in exchange for the release of Dr Hassan Al Turabi.” An attack on the home of Ahmed Awad Al Jaz (Minister for Energy and Mining) also took place on Thursday August 29th, when demonstrators reportedly threw teargas, and were heard chanting PNC slogans.

According to the information received, on August 28th 2002, some 38 activists were arrested and detained. The following list of details concerns 27 of those arrested, while the names and whereabouts of the remaining 11 persons is still unknown.

The following 7 people were arrested in Khartoum: Deputy to the General Secretary of the PNC Abdalla Hassan Ahmed; Secretary of Foreign Affairs Ibrahim Alsanosi; Secretary of Culture and PNC spokesperson Mohamed Alamin Khalifa; Member of the PNC leadership Sidideiq al-Ahmar; Mohamed Idris; Suleiman Jamous; and Anas Alzamzami. According to the information received, on August 30th 2002, Mohamed Alamin Khalif and Ibrahim Alsanosi were transferred to Port Sudan prison, by the red sea, while the other detainees were taken to Kober prison. Abdalla Hassan Ahmed and Siddeiq al-Ahmar were released on August 30th 2002, the day after their arrest. They were reportedly not given any reasons for their arrest or their release, nor were they interrogated during their time in detention.

The following 4 men were arrested in Wad Madani: PNC Secretary for Gazira Province Abdalrahman Amir; Tariq Alaghbash; Ahmed Suleiman; and Salah Almadani. Separately, Abdullah Alnour was reportedly arrested in Kodofan.

The following 15 people were arrested in various parts of North Darfour: PNC Secretary for Darfour Abdalla Aldouma; Mohamed Ibrahim Zakaria; Osman Ibrahim; Hamza Alhadi Zakaria; Abd alla Adam Ali; M. Jouhar Suliman; Abd Alrasoul Abd Alla; Alsadiq Adam; Suliman Abakar; Musadaq Aogal; M. Abd alla Issa; Aldouma Adam Abd Alla; Zakaria Adam; Malik Sandal; and Sidieg Adam. The whereabouts of those arrested in Wad Madani, Kodofan and in the various part of Northern Darfour remain unknown, leading OMCT to have grave concerns for their physical and psychological integrity. In addition, the names and whereabouts of about another 100 detainees still remain unknown.

According to the information received, PNC Secretary General Hassan Al Turabi, has been taken from the building in which he was under house arrest to Kober Prison, where he is being detained incommunicado, following a recent presidential decree (see also SDN 180602, SDN 180602.1, SDN 180602.2). The authroties have done this in order to send a signal to demonstrators to halt their actions, according to his wife, Wisal al-Mahdi

According to the information received, between August 21st - 24th, 2002, Sudanese Security Forces arrested the following 10 members of the student and youth leadership of the Popular National Congress in Omdurman: Naji Dahab, Dr Ibrahim Abdulrahman, Osama Ilyas, Khalid Al Daw, Haytham Siddig, Nasruddin Adam, Khalifa Fadl, Osama Kunnah, Mohammed Awad, Mudathir bdulrahim. The members of the PNC had allegedly led a protest in Omdurman against the presidential decree extending Hassan Al Turabi’s house arrest by a further one year. A list containing the names of 80 wanted persons has also reportedly been distributed by the Sudanese Security Forces. According to the information received, on September 1st 2002 the two students 19-year old Loai Abd Almoniem, Haytham Siddig and a teacher, Nasruddin Adam, were sentenced by the Khartoum criminal court to two months in jail, 20 lashes and a fine of 50,000 dinars ($200), and amount which is unrealistically high. They were charged with "criminal collaboration, violating public security, public disturbance and inciting riot." Court Chairman Mohamed Sir al-Khatim Gharbaw reportedly stated that if the convicts failed to pay the fine, the convicts would face another month in jail.

The International Secretariat of OMCT, is gravely concerned about the physical and psychological integrity of the afore-mentioned detainees, notably those being detained incommunicado. OMCT fears that there is a risk that they may be subjected to torture or other forms of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, as this has previously been documented on numerous occasions during the detention of members of political opposition groups in Sudan. OMCT also condemns the sentencing of three activists to 20 lashes, which constitutes torture. While OMCT condemns any and all alleged violent acts on the part of PNC members, it calls for the rights of all persons that have been arrested in connection with this affair to be respected, including the right to a fair trial.

Action requested

Please write to the authorities in Sudan urging them to:

i. immediately locate the whereabouts of all persons being detained incommunicado;
ii. take all necessary measures to guarantee the physical and psychological integrity of the afore-mentioned detainees;
iii. order that these persons be released immediately in the absence of valid legal charges or, if such charges exist, bring them before an impartial and competent tribunal and guarantee their procedural rights at all times;
iv. guarantee the respect of human rights and the fundamental freedoms, including economic, social and cultural rights, throughout the country in accordance with national laws and international human rights laws and standards.

· His Excellency Lieutenant Omar Hassan al-Bashir, President of the Republic of Sudan, People's Palace, PO Box 281, Khartoum, Sudan, Fax: + 24911 787676 / 783223.
· His Excellency Mr Mustafa Osman Ismail, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, PO Box 873, Khartoum, Sudan, Fax: + 24911 779383.
· His Excellency Ambassador Mr. Ibrahim Mirghani Ibrahim, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Sudan to the United Nations in Geneva, PO Box 335, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland, Fax: +4122 731 26 56, E-mail:

Please also write to the diplomatic representatives of Sudan in your country.
Geneva, September 6th, 2002
Kindly inform us of any action undertaken quoting the code of this appeal in your reply.