Urgent Interventions

Sudan: Arbitrary arrests of four men by Security Forces

Case SDN 300402
Arbitrary arrest/Incommunicado detention/Release

The International Secretariat of OMCT requests your URGENT intervention in the following situation in Sudan.

Brief description of the situation

The International Secretariat of OMCT has received information from the Sudan Organisation Against Torture (SOAT), a member of the OMCT network, of the arbitrary arrests on April 20th, 2002, of Mr. Abdel Galeel Osman Mohamed Khair, Mr. Mohamed Mahmoud (Alshaygi), Mr. Mahmoud Hashim Ahmed Ali, and on April 21st, 2002 of Mr. Ahmed Sidahmed, by the Security Forces, in Sudan.

According to the information received, on April 20th, 2002, at around 6:30 p.m. Mr. Mohamed Mahmoud was arbitrarily arrested by the Security Forces at his home in the neighbourhood of Gabra, in Khartoum. Mr. Abdel Galeel Osman, who at the time was visiting Mr. Mahmoud Mohamed, was also arrested. Both men are 70-years old. Mr. Mohamed Mahmoud was released on April 23rd, 2002. Mr. Abdel Galeel Osman continues to be held incommunicado and his whereabouts are unknown.

According to the report, Mr. Mohamed Mahmoud shares and divides the house with his relatives, and among them is his nephew Mr. Ahmed Sidahmed, a police officer who works for the Duty and Tax office. The security officer who arrested the afore-mentioned men also attempted to arrest Mr. Sidahmed, who allegedly objected to being arrested by a lower rank security officer. Mr. Sidahmed purportedly claimed that he was not involved in any political activities or had contacts with anyone involved in politics, and that his only connection to Mohamed Mahomoud was as his nephew. On April 21st, 2002, Mr. Sidahmed was reportedly arrested by a higher ranking police officer at the same house. He is currently in detention at the High Police Academy in Khartoum.

According to the information received, in a separate incident, on April 20th, 2002, Mr. Mahmoud Hashim Ahmed Ali was arbitrarily arrested at his house in Aldouom. Ten members of the security forces reportedly jumped over the walls of his residence and searched his house without a warrant. Four personal computers and a motorcycle were allegedly confiscated. Mr. Mahmoud Hashim is currently being held incommunicado and his whereabouts are unknown.

The International Secretariat of OMCT condemns the arbitrary arrests of the persons mentioned above, and is gravely concerned that Mr. Abdel Galeel Osman Mohamed Khair, Mr. Mahmoud Hashim Ahmed Ali, and Mr. Ahmed Sidahmed are currently held incommunicado, and fears for their physical and psychological integrity since torture and ill-treatment are well documented under such circumstances in detention centres in Sudan. Furthermore, it is believed that these arrests are politically motivated, since the report suggests that the security forces suspected Mr. Mahmoud Hashim and Mr. Mohamed Mahomoud of belonging to the Sudanese Communist party.

Action requested

Please write to the authorities in Sudan urging them to:

· take all necessary measures to guarantee the physical and psychological integrity of Mr. Abdel Galeel Osman Mohamed Khair, Mr. Mahmoud Hashim Ahmed Ali, and Mr. Ahmed Sidahmed;
· intervene with the appropriate authorities in order to secure that Mr. Abdel Galeel Osman Mohamed Khair, Mr. Mahmoud Hashim Ahmed Ali, and Mr. Ahmed Sidahmed be allowed to meet with their relatives and lawyers;
· order Mr. Abdel Galeel Osman Mohamed Khair, Mr. Mahmoud Hashim Ahmed Ali, and Mr. Ahmed Sidahmed’s immediate release in the absence of valid legal charges or, if such charges exist, bring them before an impartial and competent tribunal and guarantee their procedural rights at all times;
· guarantee the respect of human rights and the fundamental freedoms throughout the country in accordance with national laws and international human rights standards, and conform to all recommendations made by the Human Rights Committee.


· His Excellency Lieutenant Omar Hassan al-Bashir, President of the Republic of Sudan, People's Palace, PO Box 281, Khartoum, Sudan, Fax: + 24911 787676/783223.
· His Excellency Mr Mustafa Osman Ismail, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, PO Box 873, Khartoum, Sudan, Fax: + 24911 779383.
· His Excellency Ambassador Mr. Ibrahim Mirghani Ibrahim, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Sudan to the United Nations in Geneva, PO Box 335, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland, Fax: +4122 731 26 56, E-mail: .

Please also write to the diplomatic representatives of Sudan in your country.

Geneva, 30th March, 2002

Kindly inform us of any action undertaken quoting the code of this appeal in your reply.