Urgent Interventions
Peru: torture and death of Mr Nelson Díaz Marcos
Case PER 2306000
The International Secretariat of the OMCT requests your urgent intervention in the following situation in Peru.
Brief description of the situation:
The International Secretariat of the OMCT has been informed of the torture and death of Mr Nelson Díaz Marcos, in the District of Pachía, Departament of Tacna, Peru.
According to information received, on 12th May last, at about 3 p.m. Mr Nelson Diaz Marcos was detained in the vicinity of the "Centro Educativo Juan Maria Rejas" in the presence of his wife, Genoveva Inchuña Huanca. Reports add that Mr Diaz showed symptoms of having consumed liquor and was somewhat disturbed. A member of the police, Victor Pachas, took Mr Diaz to the local police station. This detention was witnessed by Mr Pedro Liñán, a neighbour from the same locality.
The reports of the Commission on Human Rights (COMISEDH) state, moreover, that Mr Nelson Diaz was tortured at the police station, presumably by police agents Carlos Laqui and Victor Pachas, and his body subsequently taken to the hospital by an unidentified police agent. The body of Nelson Diaz was subsequently identified in the hospital of Essalud de Calana and bore evident signs of torture.
COMISEDH adds that the case was being dealt with as a case of qualified homicide (murder) by the Second provincial Prosecutor's Office in Tacna. However, on June 6th of this year the Association for the Defence of Human Rights of Tacna, (ADDEHT), together with the Human Rights Commission (COMISEDH), presented to the Prosecutor's office a document amplifying the complaint of the crime of torture followed by death.
Because of this action the director of the ADDEHT, Mr Jesús Agreda, was threatened with death (see Observatory appeal (PER 003 / 0006 / OBS 054, of 19th of June 2000).
The International Secretariat of the OMCT condemns these actions and shares the serious concern of the above mentioned organisations for the safety and physical and psychological integrity of Mrs Genoveva Inchuña Huanca, wife of the victim, and Mr Pedro Liñán, who, together with her, witnessed the detention of Mr Nelson Diaz. It also wishes to stress its concern for the safety and life of Mr Jesús Agreda, and supports the recommendations of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders contained in the above mentioned appeal.
Action requested:
Please write with all urgency to the Peruvian authorities urging them to:
i. guarantee the safety and physical and psychological integrity of Mrs Genoveva Inchuña Huanca and Mr Pedro Liñán, witnesses of the detention of Mr Nelson Diaz as well as the members of the above mentioned organisations striving to elucidate the facts and punish those responsible;
ii. carry out a full and impartial investigation into the torture and death of Mr Nelson Díaz Marcos in order to identify those responsible, bring them to trial before an ordinary court and impose upon them the penal, civil and/or administrative sanctions provided by law;
iii. ensure the right of the family of Mr Nelson Díaz Marcos to adequate compensation;
iv. guarantee in all circumstances the respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the country in accordance with national laws and international standards on human rights, in particular of the provisions of the American Convention on Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Convention against Torture, ratified by Peru.
Sr. Presidente Alberto Fujimori, Presidente de la República del Perú, Palacio de Gobierno, Plaza Mayor, Lima 1, Perú. Fax: (+ 51 1) 426 67 70
General EP César Saucedo Sánchez, Ministro del Interior, Plaza 30 de Agosto s/n Urb. Córpac San Isidro, Lima 27, Perú. Fax: (+ 511) 224 24 07
Gral. PNP Fernando Dianderas Ottone, Director General de la Policía Nacional del Perú, Av. Canaval y Moreyra Cdra 6 San Isidro. Lima 27 Perú. Fax: (+ 511) 225 21 39
Sr. Alberto Bustamante Belaúnde, Ministro de Justicia, Ministerio de Justicia, Scipión Llona 350, Miraflores, Lima 18, Perú. Fax (+ 511) 422 3577
Doctor Fernando de Trazegnies Granda, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Jr. Ucayali 363, Lima 1, Perú. Fax: (+ 51 1) 427 38 60
Dra. Blanca Nélida Colán, Fiscal de la Nación, Av. Abancay cuadra 5 s/n, Lima 1, Perú.
Fax: (+ 51 1) 426 46 20
General César Enrique Saucedo Sánchez, Presidente del Comando Conjunto de las Fuerzas Armadas, Av. Arequipa 291, Lima 1, Perú Fax: (+ 51 1) 433 54 49.
Dr. Jorge Santistevan de Noriega, Defensor del Pueblo, Jr. Ucayali 388, Lima 1, Perú. Fax: (+ 51 1) 426 66 57.
The Embassy of Peru in your respective countries.
Geneva, 23rd July 2000
Kindly inform us of any action undertaken quoting the code number of this appeal in your reply.
The International Secretariat of the OMCT requests your urgent intervention in the following situation in Peru.
Brief description of the situation:
The International Secretariat of the OMCT has been informed of the torture and death of Mr Nelson Díaz Marcos, in the District of Pachía, Departament of Tacna, Peru.
According to information received, on 12th May last, at about 3 p.m. Mr Nelson Diaz Marcos was detained in the vicinity of the "Centro Educativo Juan Maria Rejas" in the presence of his wife, Genoveva Inchuña Huanca. Reports add that Mr Diaz showed symptoms of having consumed liquor and was somewhat disturbed. A member of the police, Victor Pachas, took Mr Diaz to the local police station. This detention was witnessed by Mr Pedro Liñán, a neighbour from the same locality.
The reports of the Commission on Human Rights (COMISEDH) state, moreover, that Mr Nelson Diaz was tortured at the police station, presumably by police agents Carlos Laqui and Victor Pachas, and his body subsequently taken to the hospital by an unidentified police agent. The body of Nelson Diaz was subsequently identified in the hospital of Essalud de Calana and bore evident signs of torture.
COMISEDH adds that the case was being dealt with as a case of qualified homicide (murder) by the Second provincial Prosecutor's Office in Tacna. However, on June 6th of this year the Association for the Defence of Human Rights of Tacna, (ADDEHT), together with the Human Rights Commission (COMISEDH), presented to the Prosecutor's office a document amplifying the complaint of the crime of torture followed by death.
Because of this action the director of the ADDEHT, Mr Jesús Agreda, was threatened with death (see Observatory appeal (PER 003 / 0006 / OBS 054, of 19th of June 2000).
The International Secretariat of the OMCT condemns these actions and shares the serious concern of the above mentioned organisations for the safety and physical and psychological integrity of Mrs Genoveva Inchuña Huanca, wife of the victim, and Mr Pedro Liñán, who, together with her, witnessed the detention of Mr Nelson Diaz. It also wishes to stress its concern for the safety and life of Mr Jesús Agreda, and supports the recommendations of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders contained in the above mentioned appeal.
Action requested:
Please write with all urgency to the Peruvian authorities urging them to:
i. guarantee the safety and physical and psychological integrity of Mrs Genoveva Inchuña Huanca and Mr Pedro Liñán, witnesses of the detention of Mr Nelson Diaz as well as the members of the above mentioned organisations striving to elucidate the facts and punish those responsible;
ii. carry out a full and impartial investigation into the torture and death of Mr Nelson Díaz Marcos in order to identify those responsible, bring them to trial before an ordinary court and impose upon them the penal, civil and/or administrative sanctions provided by law;
iii. ensure the right of the family of Mr Nelson Díaz Marcos to adequate compensation;
iv. guarantee in all circumstances the respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the country in accordance with national laws and international standards on human rights, in particular of the provisions of the American Convention on Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Convention against Torture, ratified by Peru.
Sr. Presidente Alberto Fujimori, Presidente de la República del Perú, Palacio de Gobierno, Plaza Mayor, Lima 1, Perú. Fax: (+ 51 1) 426 67 70
General EP César Saucedo Sánchez, Ministro del Interior, Plaza 30 de Agosto s/n Urb. Córpac San Isidro, Lima 27, Perú. Fax: (+ 511) 224 24 07
Gral. PNP Fernando Dianderas Ottone, Director General de la Policía Nacional del Perú, Av. Canaval y Moreyra Cdra 6 San Isidro. Lima 27 Perú. Fax: (+ 511) 225 21 39
Sr. Alberto Bustamante Belaúnde, Ministro de Justicia, Ministerio de Justicia, Scipión Llona 350, Miraflores, Lima 18, Perú. Fax (+ 511) 422 3577
Doctor Fernando de Trazegnies Granda, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Jr. Ucayali 363, Lima 1, Perú. Fax: (+ 51 1) 427 38 60
Dra. Blanca Nélida Colán, Fiscal de la Nación, Av. Abancay cuadra 5 s/n, Lima 1, Perú.
Fax: (+ 51 1) 426 46 20
General César Enrique Saucedo Sánchez, Presidente del Comando Conjunto de las Fuerzas Armadas, Av. Arequipa 291, Lima 1, Perú Fax: (+ 51 1) 433 54 49.
Dr. Jorge Santistevan de Noriega, Defensor del Pueblo, Jr. Ucayali 388, Lima 1, Perú. Fax: (+ 51 1) 426 66 57.
The Embassy of Peru in your respective countries.
Geneva, 23rd July 2000
Kindly inform us of any action undertaken quoting the code number of this appeal in your reply.