Urgent Interventions

'Palestine: arbitrary detentions

Case PAL 011299.3
Follow-up of Case PAL 011299, Case PAL 011299.1 and Case 011299.2

Geneva 6th January 2000

The International Secretariat of OMCT requests your URGENT intervention in the following situation in the Palestinian Autonomous Areas.

Brief reminder of the situation

The International Secretariat of OMCT was informed by a number of reliable sources, including The Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group (PHRMG), a member of the OMCT network, of the arrest of a number of Palestinian political and social figures following the publication of a statement criticizing the Palestinian Authorities.

In a statement, released on 27th November, the Palestinian Authority (PA) was accused of adopting "a modus operandi of graft, corruption, humiliation and exploitation of the Palestinian people." Furthermore, that, "The PA President has opened the doors widely for the opportunists to spread corruption in the larger Palestinian street. The economic conditions have worsened, social bonds became weaker, the moral values of our people became lax, and destruction has befallen many of our health, educational and judicial institutions."

In the next few days, a number of those who had signed the statement, were arrested and detained by the Palestinian Authorities:
Abdel Sattar Qasem, 50, arrested 28th November
Dr. Abdelrahim Kittana
Dr. Adel Samara
Dr. Yaser Abusafiyya
Ahmad Katamesh
Dr, Afif Suleiman Judah, arrested in his house on 29th November
Ismat Shakhshir, summoned on 28th November and interrogated for 2 hours before she was released. Detained again on 29th November and awaits release.
Bassam Shaka'a and Anabta Waheed Alhamdalla, were both placed under house arrest.
Ahmad Shaker Doodeen
Adnan Odeh

A further statement was issued by the members of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC), stating "that we stand still unable to say our mind regarding what is happening and condemn what contradicts with the interest of the people and harms our national unity. It is within this framework that we understand the criticism to the Palestinian Authority that was mentioned in a communique issued by some members of the Palestinian Legislative Council and a number of national figures...".

The International Secretariat of OMCT was deeply concerned by these arrests and that they may constitute an attack on the right to freedom of expression and raises a number of concerns over the physical and psychological integrity of these detainees.

The International Secretariat of OMCT received further information from the Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights and the Environment (LAW), a member of the OMCT network, that Ahmad Katamesh, Dr. Adel Samara and Abdul Sattar Qassem had been transferred to the General Intelligence detention centre in Jericho. They had been informed by the Jericho General Intelligence Services that they would not be visited, and were not given a satisfactory reason for this.

LAW's lawyer, Husni Kalboneh managed to visit Dr. Yasser Abusafiyyah, Afif Suleiman Judah and Adnan Odeh, held at the Police Criminal Department in Nablus. Also, the house arrest, under which Bassem Shaka'a and Waheed Alhamdalla were placed, was lifted on 30th November 1999. Ismat Shakhshir, professor at Al Najah University, was released on bail after refusing to sign a document of house arrest presented to her by officials. According to information received, a number of those in detention had declared a hunger strike in protest of their ongoing detention. They were Dr. Afif Barabrah, Dr. Yasser Abusafiyyah, Dr. Abdelrahim Kittana and Adnan Odeh.

According to further information received from the Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights and the Environment (LAW), a member of the OMCT network, on 19 December 1999, Adel Samara, Ahmad Katamesh, Dr. Afif Barabrah, Adnan Odeh, Dr. Abdelrahim Kittana and Dr. Yasser Abusafiyyah were released. Ahmad Shaker Doodeen, held in Nablus prison, and Abdi Sattar Qassem, held in Jericho detention center, were still detained.

According to information gathered by LAW, Khaled Al Qidra, Head of the State Security Court, informed the detainees that President Arafat had issued a release order for bail. They were required to sign a pledge that bound them to appear at police stations if summoned. Bail was placed at Jordanian Dinars 50,000 (approximately $75,000) to be forfeited for non-compliance with the summons.

New Information

The International Secretariat of OMCT received information from the Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights and the Environment (LAW), member of the OMCT network, that on 5th January 2000, LAW's lawyer was able to visit Abdi Sattar Qassem and Ahmad Shaker Doodeen, the two detainees still being held by Palestinian general intelligence at the Jericho detention center.

According to the information, the two detainees explained that the State Security Court prosecution is still holding them and that the attorney general had renewed their detention period for the third successive time on 30 December 1999 for a further 15 days. Doodeen informed LAW's lawyer that he has not been questioned yet or contacted by any prosecutor or the attorney general since he was detained on 28 November 1999.

The two detainees reported that their health is in good condition and that they are being treated well at the detention center. LAW's lawyer had noted the detainees are being held in a cell away from the remaining cells of the jail. However they are able to keep up to date with events by radio, obtained from their families through LAW's lawyers after a permit was given from the general intelligence administration.

Actions requested

Please write to the Palestinian Authorities urging them to:

i. guarantee the physical and psychological integrity of Abdi Sattar Qassem and Ahmad Shaker Doodeen and order a full and impartial enquiry into all events;

ii. order the immediate release of Abdi Sattar Qassem and Ahmad Shaker Doodeen if they are being detained without valid charges and bring them immediately before an impartial and competent tribunal and guarantee their procedural rights at all times, in accordance with international human rights standards;

iii. implement the recommendations of the report on corruption which was released by the Palestinian Legislative Council in July 1997;

iv. finally request that all human rights and fundamental freedoms in accordance with international human rights standards are guaranteed.


Yasser Arafat, President of the Palestinian Authority, Abu Khadra Building, Omar al-Mukhtar Street, Gaza, via Israel. Fax : + 972 7 2822 365/6 ( if voice, say "fax, please").
Freih Abu Meddein, Palestinian Authority, Minister of Justice, Abu Khadra Building, Omar al-al-Mukhtar Street, Gaza, via Israel. Fax : + 972 7 2822 236
Khalid al-Qidrah, Attorney General, Palestinian Authority, Attorney General Building, Yarmouk, Gaza, via Israel. Fax : + 972 7 2824 502.
Geneva, 6th December 2000
Kindly inform the International Secretariat of any action undertaken quoting the code of this appeal in your reply.

Case PAL 011299.3
Follow-up of Case PAL 011299, Case PAL 011299.1 and Case 011299.2

Geneva 6th January 2000

The International Secretariat of OMCT requests your URGENT intervention in the following situation in the Palestinian Autonomous Areas.

Brief reminder of the situation

The International Secretariat of OMCT was informed by a number of reliable sources, including The Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group (PHRMG), a member of the OMCT network, of the arrest of a number of Palestinian political and social figures following the publication of a statement criticizing the Palestinian Authorities.

In a statement, released on 27th November, the Palestinian Authority (PA) was accused of adopting "a modus operandi of graft, corruption, humiliation and exploitation of the Palestinian people." Furthermore, that, "The PA President has opened the doors widely for the opportunists to spread corruption in the larger Palestinian street. The economic conditions have worsened, social bonds became weaker, the moral values of our people became lax, and destruction has befallen many of our health, educational and judicial institutions."

In the next few days, a number of those who had signed the statement, were arrested and detained by the Palestinian Authorities:
Abdel Sattar Qasem, 50, arrested 28th November
Dr. Abdelrahim Kittana
Dr. Adel Samara
Dr. Yaser Abusafiyya
Ahmad Katamesh
Dr, Afif Suleiman Judah, arrested in his house on 29th November
Ismat Shakhshir, summoned on 28th November and interrogated for 2 hours before she was released. Detained again on 29th November and awaits release.
Bassam Shaka'a and Anabta Waheed Alhamdalla, were both placed under house arrest.
Ahmad Shaker Doodeen
Adnan Odeh

A further statement was issued by the members of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC), stating "that we stand still unable to say our mind regarding what is happening and condemn what contradicts with the interest of the people and harms our national unity. It is within this framework that we understand the criticism to the Palestinian Authority that was mentioned in a communique issued by some members of the Palestinian Legislative Council and a number of national figures...".

The International Secretariat of OMCT was deeply concerned by these arrests and that they may constitute an attack on the right to freedom of expression and raises a number of concerns over the physical and psychological integrity of these detainees.

The International Secretariat of OMCT received further information from the Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights and the Environment (LAW), a member of the OMCT network, that Ahmad Katamesh, Dr. Adel Samara and Abdul Sattar Qassem had been transferred to the General Intelligence detention centre in Jericho. They had been informed by the Jericho General Intelligence Services that they would not be visited, and were not given a satisfactory reason for this.

LAW's lawyer, Husni Kalboneh managed to visit Dr. Yasser Abusafiyyah, Afif Suleiman Judah and Adnan Odeh, held at the Police Criminal Department in Nablus. Also, the house arrest, under which Bassem Shaka'a and Waheed Alhamdalla were placed, was lifted on 30th November 1999. Ismat Shakhshir, professor at Al Najah University, was released on bail after refusing to sign a document of house arrest presented to her by officials. According to information received, a number of those in detention had declared a hunger strike in protest of their ongoing detention. They were Dr. Afif Barabrah, Dr. Yasser Abusafiyyah, Dr. Abdelrahim Kittana and Adnan Odeh.

According to further information received from the Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights and the Environment (LAW), a member of the OMCT network, on 19 December 1999, Adel Samara, Ahmad Katamesh, Dr. Afif Barabrah, Adnan Odeh, Dr. Abdelrahim Kittana and Dr. Yasser Abusafiyyah were released. Ahmad Shaker Doodeen, held in Nablus prison, and Abdi Sattar Qassem, held in Jericho detention center, were still detained.

According to information gathered by LAW, Khaled Al Qidra, Head of the State Security Court, informed the detainees that President Arafat had issued a release order for bail. They were required to sign a pledge that bound them to appear at police stations if summoned. Bail was placed at Jordanian Dinars 50,000 (approximately $75,000) to be forfeited for non-compliance with the summons.

New Information

The International Secretariat of OMCT received information from the Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights and the Environment (LAW), member of the OMCT network, that on 5th January 2000, LAW's lawyer was able to visit Abdi Sattar Qassem and Ahmad Shaker Doodeen, the two detainees still being held by Palestinian general intelligence at the Jericho detention center.

According to the information, the two detainees explained that the State Security Court prosecution is still holding them and that the attorney general had renewed their detention period for the third successive time on 30 December 1999 for a further 15 days. Doodeen informed LAW's lawyer that he has not been questioned yet or contacted by any prosecutor or the attorney general since he was detained on 28 November 1999.

The two detainees reported that their health is in good condition and that they are being treated well at the detention center. LAW's lawyer had noted the detainees are being held in a cell away from the remaining cells of the jail. However they are able to keep up to date with events by radio, obtained from their families through LAW's lawyers after a permit was given from the general intelligence administration.

Actions requested

Please write to the Palestinian Authorities urging them to:

i. guarantee the physical and psychological integrity of Abdi Sattar Qassem and Ahmad Shaker Doodeen and order a full and impartial enquiry into all events;

ii. order the immediate release of Abdi Sattar Qassem and Ahmad Shaker Doodeen if they are being detained without valid charges and bring them immediately before an impartial and competent tribunal and guarantee their procedural rights at all times, in accordance with international human rights standards;

iii. implement the recommendations of the report on corruption which was released by the Palestinian Legislative Council in July 1997;

iv. finally request that all human rights and fundamental freedoms in accordance with international human rights standards are guaranteed.


Yasser Arafat, President of the Palestinian Authority, Abu Khadra Building, Omar al-Mukhtar Street, Gaza, via Israel. Fax : + 972 7 2822 365/6 ( if voice, say "fax, please").
Freih Abu Meddein, Palestinian Authority, Minister of Justice, Abu Khadra Building, Omar al-al-Mukhtar Street, Gaza, via Israel. Fax : + 972 7 2822 236
Khalid al-Qidrah, Attorney General, Palestinian Authority, Attorney General Building, Yarmouk, Gaza, via Israel. Fax : + 972 7 2824 502.
Geneva, 6th December 2000
Kindly inform the International Secretariat of any action undertaken quoting the code of this appeal in your reply.