Urgent Interventions

OMCT concerned by the use of force and detention of peaceful demonstrators

The International Secretariat of the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) expresses its concern with regard to the use of force and detention of peaceful demonstrators in different locations on 24 November 2007.

According to the information received, in Nizhny Novgorod, a March of Dissent was violently dispersed by police forces. Previously, the regional authorities had refused its holding at the Gorky Square under the pretext that “it is not meant for holding public actions”. The police reportedly deterred people on their way to the demonstration, arrested dozens of participants, including human rights defenders[1], and beat them on the way to the police station. The detainees were reportedly accused of “participation in an unauthorised rally” and of “resisting to the police”.

Likewise in Moscow, several of the people who made speeches at the opposition rally organised by “The Other Russia” and “Union of Right Forces”, were reportedly detained, including Mr. Lev Ponomaryov, leader of “For Human Rights Movement”, and Mr. Gary Kasparov, head of “The Other Russia”. They were also allegedly beaten.

According to the same information, in Nasran, Ingushetia, the rally against arbitrariness against civilians (kidnappings, police violence and poor economic conditions), was violently repressed. In particular, the Russian special security police OMON reportedly opened fire at the demonstrators and brutally dispersed the gathering. Some sixty people would have been arrested.

OMCT is deeply concerned by the violent repression on the peaceful demonstrators and calls upon the Russian authorities to put an immediate end to all forms of repression against peaceful demonstrations. Furthermore, OMCT is gravely concerned for the physical and psychological integrity of the detained individuals. OMCT also calls upon the Russian authorities to order the immediate release of all persons arrested during the demonstrations in the absence of valid legal charges, and if such charges exist, ensure that they are given a prompt and fair trial, in which their procedural rights are guaranteed at all times.

OMCT calls on the Russian Federation to order a thorough, impartial and independent investigation into these events, notably in the allegations of disproportionate use of force by law enforcement officials, in order to identify all those responsible, bring them to trial and apply the penal and/or administrative sanctions as provided by law.

Contact: OMCT 0041 22 809 49 39

[1] See The Observatory’s urgent appeal RUS 009 / 1107 / OBS 151.