Urgent Interventions

Kyrgyzstan: further deaths and injuries to demonstrators - release of Deputy Azimbek Beknasarov

Case KGZ 290102.8
Follow-up to case KGZ 290102
Release / Impunity / Reparation

Geneva, March 20th, 2002

The International Secretariat of OMCT requests your URGENT intervention in the following situation in Kyrgyzstan.

New information

The International Secretariat of OMCT has been informed by the Kyrgyz Committee for Human Rights (KCHR), a member of the OMCT network, of the release on March 19th, 2002, of Deputy Azimbek Beknasarov, who had been arbitrarily detained and tortured since January 5th, 2002, and whose trial was indefinitely adjourned on March 18th, 2002.

According to the information received, Mr. Beknasarov’s release, which is conditional on his remaining in the area, followed several demonstrations in his favour. On March 17th, 2002, a peaceful demonstration demanding Mr. Beknasarov’s release, ended in bloodshed, when the Kyrgyz special police forces (OMON), indiscriminately opened fire on the assembled crowd. The marchers were on their way to Kerben when District Prosecutor Abdykalyk Kaldarov, District Administration head Shermamat Osmonov and the head of the District Police Department, blocked their route in the proximity of Boz-Piek at around 4p.m. The police reportedly began beating women that were participating in the demonstration, and when Tursunbek Akunov, the Chairman of the Human Rights Movement of Kyrgyzstan, was arrested, the demonstrators demanded he be released. At this point Mr. Kaldarov reportedly gave the order to open fire upon the crowd. Several persons were wounded and five have reportedly died as a result, with at least two persons having received direct shots to the head. Those killed include Sovetbek Tagayev, Kadyrkul Saparaliyev, Begaly Chetinbayev, Urkumbaev Satynay, and a woman whose identity is currently unknown. At least 12 persons suffered serious bullet wounds. The Minister of Internal Affairs has reportedly stated that the police was obliged to resort to live ammunition due to a lack of rubber bullets and tear gas.

On March 18th, 2002, a crowd reportedly comprising around 10,000 people assembled in Kerben to demand Beknasarov’s release and President’s Akayev’s resignation. Four armoured personnel carriers reportedly drove into the area and armed soldiers were called to patrol the streets, chasing demonstrators and shooting those who attempted to escape. It has been reported that several people were wounded. Eldiyar Umataliyev died after receiving a shot in the head, and at least one other person was killed in these attacks.

According to the report, demonstrations continued on March 19th, 2002, when 6,000 people assembled demanding the resignation of President Akayev, who is being held responsible for the deaths of the peaceful protesters on March 17th, 2002. 600 Soldiers were reportedly called in to patrol the streets. People were reportedly still being arbitrarily arrested and detained, with some of them being severely beaten by the authorities during these events. The reports claim that the police carried away bodies of people who were shot and took them to an undisclosed location, making information on the number of dead difficult to obtain at this time. Later that day, after Mr. Beknasarov had requested that the protesters continue demonstrating until all those detained in connection with this case were freed, 36 people detained in Kerben the night before were released, after which the demonstrations reportedly stopped.

According to the information received, during the police attacks in Kerben several persons were seriously wounded, and the following persons are currently known to be in hospital - 4 suffered brain contusions (numbers 1-4), and 13 received bullet wounds (numbers 5-17): 1. Yktyiar Adylbekov; 2. Sanjarbek Apsamatov; 3. Bubukan Esenkulova; 4. Bektemir Jumanaliev; 5. Aktan Arstankulov; 6. Shukurat Baimatov; 7. Ulanbek Botobekov; 8. Bekbolsun Chekirov; 9. Sanjar Kutmanov; 10. Jenishbek Momonov; 11. Maksatbek Momunaliev; 12. Anaraly Nazarbekov; 13. Talip Omunrbekov; 14. Uluk Otmenbetov; 15. Abdykul Sadyrov; 16. Elzat Toktobolotov; 17. Atamyrza Toktomatov.

While the International Secretariat of OMCT welcomes the release of Mr. Besnasarov and the 36 demonstrators, it remains gravely concerned about the Kyrgyz authorities’ use of excessive force in the repression of peaceful demonstrators, which has reportedly led to the wounding and deaths of several peaceful protestors. More generally, OMCT condemns the Kyrgyz authorities’ use of arbitrary arrests, detention and/or harassment and torture of persons connected with or protesting in favour of Mr. Bernazarov. OMCT is also concerned that the perpetrators of these attacks and those that ordered that they be carried out will not be brought to justice and that the victims of these attacks may not receive adequate reparation for the injuries sustained during these events.

Brief reminder of the situation

According to the information received, Deputy Beknazarov was arrested on January 5th, 2002, and was charged under two clauses of the Kyrgyz Criminal Code: clause 177(2) – abuse of power; and clause 185(2) – deliberate detention of an innocent person, following allegations that he had mishandled a murder case, which took place in February 1995, when Mr. Beknazarov was an investigator at the office of the Toktogul District Prosecutor. It is, however, believed that Mr. Beknazarov’s arrest is largely politically motivated, and is a result of his recent criticism of the Government, most notably the Kyrgyz-Chinese agreement, under which a section of Kyrgyz territory (some 125,000 hectares) was transferred to China, and more recently, he publicly opposed a similar Kyrgyz land transfer to Kazakhstan. Mr. Beknazarov has reportedly been tortured at the hands of security officials while in custody, and the Kyrgyz authorities have concealed the facts and discredited and harassed those who support Mr. Beknazarov. Mr. Beknazarov’s trial began on March 11th, 2002, and was indefinetely adjourned on March 18th, 2002.

Action requested :

Please write to the authorities in Kyrgyzstan urging them to:

i. order a thorough and impartial investigation into the reports of these events, in order to identify those responsible, bring them to trial and apply the penal, civil and/or administrative sanctions as provided by law;
ii. guarantee adequate reparation to Deputy Beknazarov, the families of Sovetbek Tagayev, Kadyrkul Saparaliyev, Begaly Chetinbayev, Urkumbaev Satynay, Eldiyar Umataliyev, and all other protestors who have been injured or the families of those who have been killed by the authorities in relation with this case;
iii. guarantee the respect of human rights and the fundamental freedoms throughout the country in accordance with national laws and international human rights standards - notably the right to the freedom of expression and the right to be free from torture, in this case.

Addresses :

· Mr Askar Akayev, President of the Kyrgyz Republic, Kyrgyzskaya Respublika, 720003 g. Bishkek, Prospekt Chuy, 205, Fax: 996 312 218 627, Email:
· Mr. Kurmanbek Bakiev, Prime Minister, Fax: 996 312 218 627
· Mr. Temirbek Akmataliev, Minister of the Interior, Fax: 996 312 663 031, 996 312 288 788,
· Mr. Jakyp Abdyrahmanov, Minister of Justice, Fax: 996 312 663 044,
· Please also write to the embassies of Kyrgyzstan in your respective country.

Please also write to the embassies of Kyrgyzstan in your respective country.

Geneva, March 20th, 2002

Kindly inform us of any action undertaken quoting the code of this appeal in your reply.