Urgent Interventions

Iran: Violent repression of a peaceful demonstration

IRAN: Violent of a peaceful gathering in favour of women’s rights
Dozens of militants are arbitrarily detained

Paris – Geneva, June 14, 2006 – The International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), in the framework of their joint programme, the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, express their deepest concern following the violent repression of a peaceful gathering on June 12, 2006, in Tehran. This gathering was organised by representatives of women’s and students’ rights NGOs to protest against the discriminatory status of Iranian women.

According to the information received, those present at the gathering, mainly women and students, were attacked violently by police forces. Furthermore, several dozen activists were arrested and taken to unknown locations.

Subsequently, at a press conference held on June 13, 2006, the Minister of Justice stated that 42 women and 28 men had been arrested and jailed in the Evin prison in Teheran for having organised an illegal gathering.

According to our latest information, the following people are among those who have been detained: Mrs. Gila Baniyaghoub, Shahla Entesari, Bahareh Hedayat, Atefeh Youssefi, Samira Sadri, Delaram Aramfar, Massoumeh Loghmani and Leyla Mohseninejad. Mr. Aliakbar Moussavi Khoini, Bahman Ahmadi Amouï, Ali Rouzbehani, Amin Ghalei and Vahid Mirjalili. All are members of women’s rights or students’ NGOs.

The Observatory expresses its deepest concern regarding these events, which are in flagrant violation of the international instruments ratified by Iran, in particular the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which guarantees the right to peaceful assembly, stating that “no one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest or detention”. These events also contravene the provisions of the Declaration on Human Rights Defenders adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on December 9, 1998, and in particular its article 5, which states that “for the purpose of promoting and protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms, everyone has the right, individually or in association with others, to meet and assemble peacefully”.

The Observatory hereby calls on the Iranian authorities to guarantee the physical and psychological safety of all those that have been imprisoned and, given the arbitrary nature of their detention, that those detained be immediately and unconditionally released. The Observatory also calls on the Iranian authorities to initiate an immediate impartial investigation into the above-mentioned events, in order to identify, duly prosecute and sanction those responsible, in accordance with Iranian law and the international provisions related to the protection of human rights.

Finally, the Observatory urge the Iranian authorities to conform in all circumstances with the provisions of the Declaration of Human Rights Defenders and of international human rights instruments ratified by Iran.

For more information, please contact: FIDH : 00 33 (0)1 43 55 25 18 / OMCT : 00 (41) 22 809 49 39