Urgent Interventions

Information on the appointment of the next Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment

Dear Members of the SOS-Torture Network, Dear colleagues,

In September 2010 at the 15th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, the President of the Council is to appoint an independent human rights expert to serve as the next Special Rapporteur on Torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In this respect, careful consideration is required to maintain the high quality of appointments to this important position.

Suggestions for appointment should be based on the technical and objective requirements for eligible candidates for Special Procedure mandate holders adopted with Human Rights Council decision 6/102 (‘Follow-up to Human Rights Council resolution 5/1’). The Coalition of International NGOs Against Torture (CINAT) has jointly developed a checklist of suggested criteria to be considered in selecting the next UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.

CINAT calls on NGOs and others, including relevant professional networks, to use the enclosed checklist to identify eligible candidates for consideration for the upcoming Special Rapporteur on Torture vacancy.

NGOs and others wishing to nominate candidates should send the names of eligible candidates to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights for inclusion in the public list (roster) used as basis for the appointment: http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/chr/special/nominations.htm

Do not hesitate to contact us at omct@omct.org should you have any related questions.

With best regards

The International Secretariat