Urgent Interventions

Following the Tsunami disaster: risk of children's trafficking

Open letter to the authorities of the countries concerned by the risk of children’s trafficking following the Tsunami disaster

Geneva, January 11, 2005

The World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) is urgently asking your attention for the following situation:

According to different sources, it has been estimated that the number of children who have become orphaned or displaced by the Tsunami disaster could reach up to 35,000 children. One should be now aware of another danger that is threatening these vulnerable children. Mr John Budd, spokesman for UNICEF in Asia, said his organisation “had received several reports of criminals offering kidnapped children from Aceh for sale or adoption”. According to him, “there had been one confirmed case of a child being smuggled from the devastated Indonesian province of Aceh to the nearby city of Medan for trafficking purposes”. Moreover, according to unconfirmed reports, up to 20 children have been taken to Malaysia, and possible hundreds to Jakarta.

Cut-off from their families or orphaned, children have been taken away by criminals who pretend to be relief workers or family relatives. Reportedly, children have been offered for adoption and sex trade by SMS (Short Messaging Services) or email in other Asian countries. Traffickers have targeted mostly new-borns and children under the age of 15.

In the light of these alarming incidences and the threat that this phenomenon takes on a larger scale, OMCT urges the authorities of the regions affected by the Tsunami to make child protection a top priority and to take all measures necessary to guarantee the protection of the orphaned or displaced children from trafficking and exploitation.

In this respect OMCT is aware of the immediate steps taken by the President of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, to prevent displaced and orphaned children to be trafficked from the province of Aceh by closing its borders to children under 16 years old. In addition, airport and harbour controls have been strengthened, police chiefs in the affected areas have been briefed and instructed on the methods used by traffickers and a special unit has been set up concerned with Aceh children. The Indonesian Government attempts to reunite the children with members of the extended family or shelter them in newly to be build orphanages. Also, Thailand and Sri Lanka have warned the population for the increased danger of child traffickers.

OMCT welcomes these actions but remains highly concerned with the harmful consequences for children of the Tsunami tragedy and urges the authorities of all the countries concerned continue to use all necessary means to fight child trafficking. In addition, OMCT recommends that schools are reopened as soon as possible and that programmes addressing vulnerable children are set up in order to prevent trafficking activities.