Urgent Interventions

Follow-up of case CHN 260810_Release of Kalsang Tsultrim, a 30-year-old Tibetan monk, arbitrarly detained

Case CHN 260810.1
Follow-up of case CHN 260810

The International Secretariatof OMCT has received new information in the following situation in the People’s Republic of China.
Brief description of the situation

TheInternationalSecretariat of OMCT has been informed by The Tibetan Centre for Human Rightsand Democracy (TCHRD), a member of OMCT SOS-Torture Network, about the releaseof Kalsang Tsultrim (aka GyitsangTakmig), a 30-year-old Tibetan monk from Gyitsang Gaden Choekorling Monasteryin Sangchu County, Kanlho “Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture” (TAP), Gansu Province, on 15 October 2010. Kalsang Tsultrim had been arrested on 27 July 2010 andsubsequently detained incommunicado.

According to the information received, KalsangTsultrim was transferred to different prisons during his detention. He wasreportedly released from Kanlho Prefecture prison under the condition not toparticipate in any political-related work.

OMCT welcomes the release of Kalsang Tsultrim althoughit deplores the terms of his release. OMCT also remains deeply concerned abouthis physical and psychological integrity.


OMCT had earlier been informed about the arbitrary arrest and subsequentincommunicado detention of Kalsang Tsultrim. OMCT feared that he may be at riskof torture and ill-treatment.

According to the informationreceived, on 27 July 2010, KalsangTsultrim, along with another Tibetan who was later released, was arrested bythe police at Dzoge County, in Sichuan Province, and taken to Tsoe (Hezuo) Public SecurityBureau (PSB) Detention Centre. Kalsang Tsultrim’s family, who was informedabout his arrest by the aforementioned individual, went to Tsoe PSB DetentionCentre to inquire about the reason of his detention. Not only did the policerefuse to communicate any information about Kalsang Tsultrim’s arrest anddetention, but they also denied the family any contact with him.

According to the same information, in 2009, KalsangTsultrim recorded and distributed videos on Tibetan history since the flight ofthe Dalai Lama into exile. He also wrote a book which illustrates the concernsof the Tibetan people. Since then, Kalsang Tsultrim had been reportedly on themove. OMCT was seriously preoccupied that Kalsang Tsultrim was arrested solelyfor exercising his right to freedom of expression.


OMCT wishes to thank all of the individuals andorganisations that have taking action as a response to the urgent appeal. Nofurther action is currently required on your part concerning this case.


Geneva, 26 November 2010.