Urgent Interventions

Excessive use of force by security forces in West Bengal

Geneva, 21 March 2007. The International Secretariat of the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) expresses its deep concern about the recent events, particularly the excessive use of force by security forces, in Nandigram, East Midnapur District, West Bengal, India on 14 March 2007.

The International Secretariat of OMCT has been informed by a reliable source of the excessive use of force by security forces against villagers in Nandigram, a rural area, on 14 March 2007.

According to the information received, on 14 March 2007, security forces comprising State Police, Rapid Action Force, Eastern Rifles and other forces entered into the remote areas in Nandigram, allegedly to restore severed communication links with the region, which is under protest since January 2007.

According to the information received, villagers’ protests have started in the region following a project proposed by the Government of West Bengal to acquire land to set up a Special Economic Zone for a chemical hub. An estimated 40’000 farmers would be affected by this land acquisition and in view of past discrepancies in the process of land acquisition, local resident have started protest and called for their right to land.

The inhabitants have been reportedly resisting the entry of the security forces for days and finally demonstrated in front of the Nandigram Police Station on 13 March 2007. On the morning of 14 March 2007, the police started operations and entered into the villages despite the human blockage, reportedly composed mostly of women and children. In order to disperse the crowd, the police reportedly used lathi (baton) charge and indiscriminate gun fire against the civilians.

According to information received, the excessive use of forces caused unidentified number of injured people and about 50 deaths, including women and children. Human Rights NGO MASUM has also so far collected names of 19 missing and 29 injured in the incident. Moreover, it is reported that 27 bodies were traced in the bank of Haldi river. However, the actual victims’ toll of those who were killed is expected to be higher. Moreover, according to the information, while some injured people were restricted access to medical assistance, other victims are not provided with adequate medical treatment.

OMCT is very concerned about these reports and urges the authorities to put an immediate end to these extrajudicial killings by security forces. OMCT calls upon the authorities to launch a thorough and impartial investigation into these allegations, in order to identify all those responsible, bring them to trial and apply the penal and/or administrative sanctions as provided by law for impunity should not prevail. OMCT also calls upon the authorities to provide urgent appropriate medical treatment to the victims in need. Finally, OMCT urges the authorities to guarantee the respect of human rights and the fundamental freedoms throughout the country in accordance with national laws and international humanitarian law and human rights standards.

Geneva, 21 March 2007

Contact: OMCT: 0041 22 809 49 39