Urgent Interventions

Arbitrary arrest, alleged ill-treatment and death of Mr. Bektemir Akunov

Case KGZ 250407

Arbitrary arrest/ Alleged ill-treatment/ Death

The International Secretariat of the World Organization Against Torture (OMCT) requests your URGENT intervention in the following situation in Kyrgyzstan.

Brief description of the situation

The International Secretariat of OMCT has been informed by the Kyrgyz Committee for Human Rights (KCHR), a member of the SOS-Torture Network, of the arbitrary arrest, alleged ill-treatment and death of Mr. Bektemir Akunov, member of the movement Incorporated Front “For the Worthy Future of Kyrgyzstan”, in Naryn.

According to the information received, Mr. Bektemir Akunov was arrested on 13 April 2007 at 7:30 pm by policemen without any arrest warrant. He was reportedly arrested because he had called heads of local authorities to move to the opposition side. Mr. Bektemir Akunov had participated in a hunger strike numbering 50 to 80 persons calling for constitutional reforms from 5 April to 10 April 2007.

According to the information, he was detained in the Naryn Department of Internal Affairs in the city of Naryn. Mr. Bekemir Akunov was reportedly found dead on 14 April 2007, hanging from his own shirt in his cell. According to the information, the victim’s family contests the suicide explanation.

A postmortem examination was conducted on 16 April 2007 at the Naryn Hospital. Mr. Azylov Jyrgalbek, Governor of Naryn region, reported that the preliminary results indicated mechanical asphyxia, that is to say suffocation, as the cause of the death. But he also reportedly stated that there were wounds on the victim’s body. Furthermore, according to Mr. Naken Kasiev, doctor and former Minister of Health Protection, and Mr. Karhanbek Samakov, a Member of Parliament, who pressured to assist to the postmortem examination, declared on 17 April 2007 that the victim’s body showed signs of brutal beatings.

The International Secretariat of OMCT expresses its deep concern over the circumstance of the death of Mr. Bektemir Akunov, particularly following the allegation of ill-treatment. OMCT is highly concerned that, although Kyrgyzstan has signed onto the UN Convention against Torture, it has failed to comply with its obligations. Moreover, OMCT recalls to Kyrgyzstan that according to article 7 and 9 1) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) to which it is a State party, no one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and no one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest or detention. OMCT calls on the authorities to order a thorough and impartial investigation into the circumstances of the death of Mr. Betkemir Akunov, in order to identify those responsible, bring them to trial and apply the penal and/or administrative sanctions as provided by law.

Action requested

Please write to the authorities in Kyrgyzstan urging them to:

  1. Order a thorough and impartial investigation into the circumstances of the death of Mr. Bektemir Akunov, in order to identify those responsible, bring them to trial and apply the penal and/or administrative sanctions as provided by law;

  2. Guarantee that adequate compensation is awarded to the victim’s family;

  3. Ensure respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms throughout the country in accordance with national laws and international human rights standards.


  • Mr. Bakiev Kurmanbek Salievich, President of Kyrgyz Republic, Kyrgyzskaya Respublika, 720003. Bishkek, Prospekt Chuy, 205, Fax: 996312218627,

  • Mr. Atamabev Almazbek Sharshenovich, Prime Minister, Fax: 996312218627

  • Mr. Bolotbek Nogoybaev, Minister of Internal Affairs, Fax: 996312663031, 996312288788

  • Mr. Marat Kaipov, Minister of Justice, Fax: 996312663044 / 996312656502

  • Mr. Elmurza Satybaldiev, Public Prosecutor of the Kyrgyz of Republic, Fax: 996312665411

  • Permanent mission of Kyrgyzstan, Rue Maunoir 26, 1207 Geneva, Switzerland, Email:, Fax: +41 22 707.92.21

Please also write to the embassies of Kyrgyzstan in your respective country.


Geneva, 25 April 2007.

Kindly inform us of any action undertaken quoting the code of this appeal in your reply.