
Uzbekistan: OMCT position paper to the European Parliament

Poverty, inequality and human rights violations in Uzbekistan: a potential time bombe

Note to the Subcommittee on Human Rights of the European Parliament

The EU should closely monitor the evolution of the HR situation in Uzbekistan via its different tools (co- operation committees and Council, EU Guidelines, TACIS co-operation) and pay particular attention on the following issues:

- The situation of human rights defenders that are facing increasing repression from Uzbek authorities;

- The widespread practice of torture and lack of improvement since the visit of the UN special rapporteur, except some purely declarative steps;

- The misfunctionning of the judicial system as a whole, including lack of access to justice and fair trial, lack of independence of judges, the use of evidence obtained under torture, etc.;

- The violation of the main fundamental freedoms such as freedom of association, expression, opinion and belief preventing the development of an organised independent civil society and of a democratic secular opposition;

15 months later, it is unfortunately clear that the HR situation has not improved in the country, to the contrary: