
Ukraine: torture, extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearance of civilians continue

50th Session of the Human Rights Council
Interactive Dialogue on High Commissioner's oral presentation on Ukraine and interim report of the Secretary General on human rights in Crimea

5 July 2022

Thank you.

The OMCT thanks the High Commissioner for her oral update and echoes her concerns on the human rights situation in Ukraine.

In May 2022, members of the Russian Guard abducted and tortured at least four local residents of Stara Zbur’ivka village in the Kherson region. The victims were severely beaten, forced to undress, to stand naked for several hours in the freezing cold and to sleep standing up including with a 24-kilogram kettlebell fastened to their handcuffs. They were threatened with murder, rape, and subject to mock executions. Detainees were also denied medical assistance and food. They were prevented from using the toilet for three days. At least one of the victims was tortured by the administration of electric shocks.

This is only one of the dozens of cases of extrajudicial killings, torture, ill-treatment and enforced disappearance of civilians committed by Russian forces documented by the OMCT in the past few months.

The victims are not only real or perceived critical voices such as representatives of the local governments, civil activists and journalists, but also ordinary civilians. In all the cases documented by the OMCT, victims were not involved in any armed hostilities or resistance to the Russian army.

Madame High Commissioner, what measures should the international community take to stop and prevent the torture and extrajudicial killings of civilians in the territories under Russian control?

I thank you.