
Report on Activities, 2008

This report describes how, during 2008, OMCT has worked to combat torture, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment, arbitrary executions, disappearances and violence against women and children by identifying and acting on their economic, social and cultural root causes.

It shows that violence can be reduced and eliminated by addressing those root causes. 2008 was the second year of a three-year OMCT project entitled “Preventing torture and other forms of violence by acting on their economic, social and cultural root causes 2007 – 2009” that has five principal areas of activity:

  • Working with NGOs to reinforce their capacity for action;
  • Bringing about change through action files and other forms of intervention;
  • Using the UN Treaty Bodies and other mechanisms to bring about change;
  • Working with the European Union;
  • Building a framework of understanding through advocacy.