Urgent protection for women human rights defenders

58th Session of the Human Rights Council
Item 2: General Debate
General Debate on OHCHR activities in Colombia; Guatemala; and Honduras
Oral statement by Donovan Jimenez Ortega
We acknowledge the Office of the High Commissioner's activity reports on Colombia, Guatemala, and Honduras.
In Colombia, the criminalization against human rights defenders and social leaders continues, as in the case of the Afro-descendant leader Milena Quiroz, who has suffered death threats, arbitrary detention, stigmatization, and for eight years has faced legal proceedings aimed at criminalizing her defence work.
In Guatemala, the national persecution and transnational repression promoted by the Judiciary against human rights defenders and justice operators remain in effect. We witness acts of torture during arbitrary detentions, as in the case of Virginia Laparra, who has also been forced to go into exile to ensure her safety and that of her family.
In Honduras, the murder and violence against social leaders and human rights defenders continue to increase without guarantees of justice or protection. It is the case of the defender Hedme Castro, who, despite being a beneficiary of the National Protection Mechanism, continues to receive threats and acts of harassment.
We call on States to guarantee the work of human rights defenders, particularly protecting the integrity of women defenders and their families.
Thank you.