
OMCT Oral statement to the HRC


36TH session- September 22, 2017

Item 6- UPR Outcomes: Philippines

Oral Statement to be delivered by the World Organization Against Torture(OMCT)

Thank you Mr. President,

World Organization Against Torture(OMCT)welcomes the report of the WorkingGroup on the UPR of the Philippines, and would like to thank all Member States thathave relayed the concerns of civil society organizations.

We indeed reiterate our deepconcerned about the Philippines rejection of recommendations related to the extrajudicialkillings committed under the so-called “War on Drugs”, and the Government'srefusal to engage in a meaningful dialogue on the subject.

Between President Rodrigo Duterte’selection in June 2016 and April 2017, OMCT and local partners havedocumented at least 40 cases of extrajudicial killings of children in Manilaarea, Regrettably, these numbers only continue to rise today.

We have also observeda significant increase in the number of children arbitrarily detained andtortured, since Mr. Duterte was elected. In addition, our office continues toreceive information about human rights defenders who have been persecuted andthreatened by the current Duterte Administration.

We urge the Philippines to fullyengage in a dialogue with the international community and civil society – asdialogue is the only way to bring its national policies inline with internationalstandards and ensure accountability for the crimes committed.

In conclusion, we cannot more firmlyurge the Filipino Government to immediately stop persecuting human rightsdefenders and instead start protecting all children, irrespectively of their socialstatus or alleged involvement in drug trafficking.

Thank you Mr. President