
Item 6 - UPR Outcomes Russia: Oral statement

Human Rights Council

39th session 20 September 2018

Thank you Mr.President

OMCT welcomes thereport of the working group on the UPR of Russia.

Less than 2 months agothe UN Committee against Torture concluded its 6th periodic reviewof Russia's obligations under the Convention against Torture and Other CruelInhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Although the Committee noted afew very modest positive steps, it deplored that the Russian authorities failedto fully implement almost all of its key recommendations.

For example, torture isnot codified as an independent crime and the definition of torture included indomestic law is not in conformity with the Convention. The Committee expresseddeep concern about the practice of torture and ill-treatment in Russia,including as a means to extract confessions, as well as about the downrightfailure to conduct prompt, impartial and effective investigation into torturecomplaints, leading to widespread impunity.

Therefore, OMCT callson the Russian authorities to fully implement all the recommendations of theCommittee against Torture.

Mr. President, OMCT isalso deeply concerned about the harassment of human rights defenders andjournalists, in particular in Chechnya.[1]On 23 August 2018 Chechnya's leader, Ramzan Kadyrov threatened that humanrights defenders will no longer be able to work in or visit Chechnya, publiclystating that “Chechnya will be forbidden for them, like for terrorists.”

OMCT asks the highestRussian authorities to condemn Kadyrov's statements and guarantee the liberty,safety and freedom of movement of human rights defenders everywhere in Russia,in accordance with international human rights standards.

Finally, OMCT urges theRussian Federation to approve pending visit requests by UN special proceduresmandate holders and extend a standing invitation to all special proceduresmandate holders. Russia should also ratify the Optional Protocol to the UNanti-torture convention and create a national preventive mechanism inaccordance with the Optional Protocol.

Thank you Mr.President.

[1]For the online version, please add a link tothe alternative report by OMCT and independent Russian journalists.