
Internship at the Brussels Office of the OMCT


Createdin 1985, the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) is today the maininternational coalition of NGOs fighting against torture, summary executions,enforced disappearances and all other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. With 297 affiliated organisationsin its SOS-Torture Network, OMCT is the most important network ofnon-governmental organisations working for the protection and the promotion ofhuman rights in the world.

Based in Geneva and Brussels, OMCT InternationalSecretariat provides personalised medical, legal and/or social assistance tovictims of torture and ensures the daily dissemination of urgent interventionsacross the world, in order to prevent serious human rights violations, toprotect individuals and to fight against impunity. Moreover, some of itsactivities aim at protecting specific categories of vulnerable people, such aswomen, children and human rights defenders. In the framework of its activities,OMCT also submits individual communications and alternative reports to theUnited Nations mechanisms, and actively collaborates in the respect,development and strengthening of international norms for the protection ofhuman rights.

More specifically, based in Brussels, OMCT Europeassists in developing OMCT’s mandate in Europe and maintains regular contactbetween European institutions and OMCT’s International Secretariat. OMCT Europe’s main goal is to appeal for a morecoherent and effective European human rights policy. At the internal level, itadvocates for the EU to integrate the various international human rights normsinto its legislation. At the external level, OMCT Europe appeals for thecreation of a control mechanism on Union activities and the measures it adopts.This double requirement aims to ensure a real coherence in the EU’s externalpolicy so that respect for human rights is recognised as an essential elementfor peace and security, and that it becomes incontrovertible at all levels ofthe EU’s foreign policy.

Created in 1997 jointly by OMCT and FIDH, the Observatory for theProtection of Human Rights Defenders is the leading global programme on theprotection of human rights defenders. It bases its action on the convictionthat solidarity with and among human rights defenders and their organisations ensures that their voice is being heard and theirisolation and marginalisation broken. It responds to threats and acts of reprisals sufferedby human rights defenders through urgent interventions, vital emergencyassistance for those in need, international missions and advocacy for theireffective domestic or international protection.


Based in Brussels, the incumbent willwork under the supervision of the Head of OMCT Office in Brussels and the HumanRight Officer of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders. Theintern will under the guidance of experienced staff at the OMCT implement avariety of diverse tasks on projects of both OMCT Europe and the Observatoryfor the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, providing a unique andchallenging opportunity of learning about concrete human rights advocacy at theglobal and European levels.

Activities of the position include:

- To assist with OMCT Europe’s advocacy activities towards EUinstitutions for an effective policy for the protection ofhuman rights defenders and against torture.

- To assist with the drafting of OMCT’s briefings in its programmaticareas, and with OMCT’s submissions to UN and regional human rights mechanisms.

- To assist in the drafting of urgent interventions on individual casesand other advocacy interventions on cases or legal developments affecting humanrights defenders.

- To assist with the organisation of field missions.

- To assist with the organisation of seminars and conferences.

- To assist OMCT’s grants officer with individual grants to HRDs andgrants to local organisations.

- To attend meetings and sessions of European bodies.

- To assist with other activities of the Observatory for the Protection ofHuman Rights Defenders and OMCT Europe.


- University degree in law, international relations, social sciences orrelated field. Specific expertise on human rights would be an asset.

- Good knowledge of EU institutions, UN procedures and regional mechanismsfor the protection of human rights.

- Good drafting and editing skills.

- Ability to work under pressure to deadlines and to adapt tomultidisciplinary work in the environment of a multicultural team.

- Good interpersonal and communication skills.

- Fluency in English and Spanish.

- Fluency in French would be a particular asset.


Starting date: As soon as possible.

Length: Minimum of four months.

Deadline for applications: September 16th.

Please notethat our internships are unpaid. Schedule can be flexible and would be agreedbetween the supervisor and the intern.


Please sendyour CV by email to omcteurope@omct.org

Short-listed candidates will be invited for interviews. Successful candidates will be notified shortly after the interview.

Interviews willbe held in our offices in Brussels (Rue Stevin 115).


For more information on OMCT, please visit ourwebsite: www.omct.org, http://www.omct.org/human-rights-defenders/and http://www.omct.org/omct-europe/.