Human Rights Council urged to tackle alarming levels of police brutality and torture

49th session of the Human Rights Council
Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
11 March 2022
Mr. Melzer, we thank you for your report and for your important work and continued support over the years.
As the pandemic enters its third year, persons deprived of liberty continue to suffer disproportionate restrictions on their rights. We keep receiving reports of detainees being denied access to their families, lawyers and medical care. Such increased levels of isolation from the outside world make detecting torture and other ill-treatment even more challenging.
We call on States to undertake urgent reforms to reduce systemic levels of overcrowding and and to lift unjustified restrictions on access.
Millions of people on the move face an unprecedented cycle of abuse, with torture being the common thread throughout their journey. Many are deported back to their countries of origin where they are at risk of torture. States should take all necessary steps to uphold the absolute ban on torture and protect migrants in all circumstances, irrespective of their statute.
Mr. Melzer,
Last August, your mandate led a call to end policy brutality worldwide. Yet, torture, ill-treatment, extrajudicial killings and arbitrary arrests in the context of protests continue, including against those who monitor demonstrations.
Given the serious gaps related to the prevention and protection from torture and ill-treatment in policing operations, is your mandate planning on developing guidelines on this issue, including the importance of recognising and protecting the role of independent monitors?
Thank you.