
HRC36 Statement - Item 10: Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on Cambodia

WorldOrganisation Against Torture (OMCT)
36thsession of the Human Rights Council
Item 10:Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on Cambodia
27September 2017

Thankyou Mr. President,

Professor Smith, we address you today amid a rapidlydeteriorating attack on Cambodian democracy. OMCT believes that Cambodia couldnot possibly hold free and fair elections in 2018, if the current situationpersists.

eare deeply concerned by the ruling party’s ongoing false narrative of a ‘colorrevolution’ that paints the political opposition, civil societyand independent voices as would-be revolutionaries, and is used to justify the militarizationof public life.

Of major concern to OMCT is also the near-elimination ofthe main opposition party through politically-motivated
treasoncharges against opposition leader Kem Sokha, who hasbeen detained since 3rd September, as well as two roundsof controversial amendments to the Law on Political Parties.

also disturbed by the drastic escalation of physicaland legal threats against leaders and key organizations of Cambodia’s once-vibrantcivil society. Examples include the recent arbitrary detention and charging oftwo young environmental activists DoemKundy and Hun Vannak from NGO Mother Nature; thearbitrary detention for 427 days and charging of 4 staffersof NGO ADHOC and the Deputy Secretary General of the National ElectionCommittee; and the continuingimprisonment and charging of prominent land activist TepVanny.

The crackdown against civil society has also included thediscriminatory enforcement of the controversial and unconstitutional NGO Lawand Trade Union Law. More recently, the targeted enforcement of Cambodia’s
taxsystem tosilence critical voices has led to the enforced closureof the independent newspaper “The Cambodia Daily”which, paired with the near-total shutdown of independent radio broadcasts, representa major blow to democracy, which requires a pluralistic and vibrant media.

Mr. President, Professor Smith, we believe that it isnot too late to halt and reverse current trends, in order to secure what isleft of Cambodia’s civic space. We call upon the international community totake a principled and vocal stand against Cambodia's rapid descent intooutright authoritarianism. With critical voices silenced, the Cambodian peopleneed your steadfast support more than ever.
