
Five years on, we need measures to get to the truth

Statement 26 septembre2019

Geneva (OMCT) – Five yearsafter the events that culminated in the disappearance of 43 students from therural school “Raúl Isidro Burgos” of Ayotzinapa and other grave human rightsviolations in Iguala (Guerrero), steps are being taken to clarify the facts andbrings those guilty to book, but they must continue at a firmer and steadier paceto result in real progress.

On 4 December 2018, the Commission for Truth and Access to Justice wascreated by presidential decree in the Ayotzinapa case. Within this framework,channels of dialogue and collaboration between families and federal authoritieshave been opened, headed by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

The OMCT urges the Federal Government to provide all theresources and facilities to enable the Truth Commission, with internationalsupport, to move forward as agreed with family members and organizationssupporting them.

Faced with an investigation full of irregularities,including the use of torture, which has prolonged and intensified theanguish of families, key authorities and agencies, in particular the AttorneyGeneral's Office (FGR) and the special prosecutor for the Ayotzinapa case, havein recent weeks committed to rebuild the investigation on a solid basis.

It is crucial to immediately determine the criminalresponsibilities of public officials, including high ranking ones, who hinderedand tainted the investigation process since its inception, to be able toredirect and take significant steps in the investigation, objectives to whichthe FGR has committed itself,” said Gerald Staberock, Secretary General ofthe World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT).

In this regard, the OMCT urges the FGR to accelerate openinvestigations and take the necessary measures to ensure that public servantsinvolved in the irregularities that characterized the initial investigation areremoved from their positions, prosecuted and sanctioned in accordance withinternational standards.

Finally, the OMCT recalls that the Ayotzinapa case has to be seen in thecontext of a long-lasting human rights crisis, with more than 45,000 forciblydisappeared people, a number that continues to grow. The efforts to search forthose missing, identify mortal remains, and fight against impunity in thisfield must redouble to prevent tragedies of a similar magnitude occurring inthe near future.

The World Organization AgainstTorture (OMCT) is the main global coalition of NGOs fighting torture andill-treatment, with over 200 members in more than 90 countries. Itsinternational secretariat is based in Geneva, Switzerland.

For more information, please contact

Iolanda Jaquemet:, +41 79 539 41 06 (Head of Communications)

Helena Solà Martín:, +41 22 8094939 (Head of the LatinAmerica desk)