
Belarus: New wave of attacks against human rights defenders

On July 14, the authorities started raiding the offices and homes of human rights defenders and civil society activists across the country.

Update 16.07.2021: The police is currently searching the offices and homes of journalists and human rights defenders at 20 locations. Our partner Legal Initiative is targeted. 9 human rights defenders remain in detention since Wednesday.

More than 40 searches were conducted, more than 20 human rights defenders and activists were interrogated, including 11 members of our partner organisation Viasna.

At least 10 people remain detained after the searches, including 8 members of Viasna- Ales Bialiatsky, Valiancin Stefanovic, Uladzimir Labkovich, Siarhey Sys, Alena Laptsenak, Andrey Paluda, Yauheniya Babaeva, Viktar Sazonau.

They are detained under false accusations of criminal case organisation, financing of mass riots and tax evasion.

We ask for their immediate release.