
Turkey : OMCT conveys deep concern to authorities regarding recent allegations of torture in two different incidents


TURKEY: Allegations of torture in Halfeti andAnkara


Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

President of the Republic of Turkey

Mr. Binali Yıldırım

Prime Minister of Turkey

Mr. Bekir Bozdağ

Minister of Justice

Mr. Süleyman Soylu

Minister of Interior

Geneva,June 6, 2019

Your Excellencies,

It is with a sense of urgency thatwe convey our deep concern regarding recent allegations of torture and otherill-treatment happening across the country.

Between 18 and 21 May 2019, at least51 persons, including three children, were detained in Halfeti, Urfa duringpolice raids following armed clashes between security forces and the PKK duringwhich a police officer as well as two alleged PKK members were killed. Twoother police officers were injured.

Images circulated on the internet andeyewitnesses’ testimonies show that during the arrest the detainees were pushedto the floor, handcuffed behind their backs and kept on the ground in stressposition for hours. Police officers allegedly also kicked, punched, and hitthem with the butt of their weapons. Reportedly, the beating continued in theanti-terrorism branch of Urfa security directorate, where the detainees weretaken for interrogation. Some of them told their lawyers that the police threatened,blindfolded them and applied electricity to their bodies and genitals.

It was also reported that detainees werenot allowed to be examined by a doctor without the presence of police officersand were denied access to legal counseling in the 24h after their arrests. Whenfinally permitted to see a lawyer, the meeting was monitored by videosurveillance. Lawyers acting on behalf of some of the detainees reported thatmany of them presented visible injuries, cuts and bruises to their bodies, legsand faces, but were terrified to speak out for fear of being exposed to evenheavier torture.

At the time of writing, 38 people hadbeen released. The remaining 13 are currently being held at the ŞanlıurfaHilvan T-type prison. 12 have been accused of being part of a terroristorganisation under Art. 7 of the anti-terrorism law, while one has been chargedwith insulting the President under Art. 299 of the Penal Code.

Moreover, on 27 May 2019, the AnkaraBar Association published information about a separate case of torture of dozensof dismissed diplomats held in custody at the Financial Crimes InvestigationBureau of the Ankara General Directorate of Security.

According to the report, which gathersthe testimonies of six of the arrested individuals, the detainees were taken tointerrogations during which they were subjected to psychological pressure andforced to sign confessions.

Five of these six people reportedthat they were also subjected to torture and ill-treatment. They told theirlawyers that they were taken into a dark room, forced against a wall,handcuffed and forced to crawl on the ground, beaten, hit on their heads with abaton, stripped and threatened with sexual torture. They could not see thefaces of their torturers in the dark, however one of the detainees said the menidentified themselves as “a professional team from outside”. All five intervieweesstated that they were examined by a doctor in the presence of police officersand that none of the medical reports mentioned any bruises or other signs ofharm.

We would like to remind you that tortureand other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment is prohibitedunder international and the domestic law of Turkey under any circumstances.

We therefore urge you to immediatelytake all necessary measures to ensure the safety and physical integrity ofthose still detained and to provide them with immediate independent medicalcare. We further call for prompt, independent and throughout investigations intoall credible allegations of torture to ensure that all perpetrators are held accountable.

Your sincerely,

OMCTEurope’s Executive Council

OMCT Europe is an affiliate organisation ofthe World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), supporting its goals andobjectives in Europe and Central Asia. Created in 1985, the OMCT is the maincoalition of non-governmental organisations (NGO) fighting against torture,summary executions, enforced disappearances and all other cruel, inhuman ordegrading treatment. With more than 200 affiliated organisations in itsSOS-Torture Network, OMCT aims at accompanying, reinforcing and protectinganti-torture organisations in particular in erosive environments and provides acomprehensive system of support and protection for human rights defendersaround the world.