
Brazil: OMCT mission to monitor the detention of children

Pernambuco, 13 May 2019 (GAJOP) - The World Organisation against Torture (OMCT) carried out a monitoring visit to the Caruaru Socio-Educational Assistance Centre (CASE), in Pernambuco. The was part of its high-level mission to the Brazilian states of Pernambuco and Brasilia, organised in partnership with Gabinete de Assessoria Jurídica às Organizações Populares (GAJOP). Laure Elmaleh (OMCT), Rosa Maria Ortiz (former rapporteur for the rights of children at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, CIDH), Romero Silva(psychologist) and Rodrigo Deodato (institutional consultant), both from GAJOP, participated in the visit.

An inspection of the CASE facility was carried out, and a dialogue took place with the children interned there, to assess the quality of the care provided and to identify possible cases of human rights violations. After the visit, the delegation met with Fundação de Atendimento Socioeducativo (FUNASE) president Nadja Alencar and the facility’s technical team to discuss the observations and referrals recorded.

The following day, the high-level mission will visit theSocio-Educational Assistance Centre in Santa Luzia (Recife), the only one in the state dedicated to girls only. The members of the mission will then meet with local authorities - representatives of the Judiciary, Public Prosecution, State Council of Children and Adolescents Law, Public Defender's Office and the Socio-Educational Assistance Foundation. The Mission will also carry out a training on"Inspections in socio-educational units of internment", aimed at civil society organisations working in the field of socio-educational policy, to take place at the headquarters of GAJOP.

The high-level mission, coordinated by OMCT, is part of its Global Project and Programme for the Protection of Children Against Torture, whose overall objective is to protect children deprived of their liberty throughout the world from all forms of violence, including torture and situations that lead to abuse. In Brazil, the proposal is executed in partnership with GAJOP.