
All OMCT Publications / Price List

LIST OF PUBLICATIONS SOS-Torture: regular issue from 1985 to 1997 - bilingual French/English (4 to 6 issues per year) A Practical Guide to the International Procedures Relative to Complaint and Appeals against Acts of Torture, Disappearances and Other Inhuman or Degrading Treatment, 1988 - available in French/English/Spanish - its price: CHF. 15.- for Switzerland and overseas The least developed Countries: Development and Human Rights, 1990 - available in French and in English - its price: CHF. 15.- for Switzerland and overseas Manila 1991- International Symposium - Democracy, Development, Human Rights - available in French and in English - its price: CHF. 20.- for Switzerland and overseas Exactions et Enfants, 1993 - no longer available Africa: A New Lease On Life - "Towards economic policies for the prevention of serious human rights violations" - Kenya Symposium 1993 - available in English only - its price: CHF. 15.- for Switzerland and overseas Ouagadougou - "La promotion et la protection des droits de l'homme à l'heure des ajustements structurels" - Burkina Faso 1994 - available in French only - its price: CHF. 15.- for Switzerland and overseas Torture: The Forgotten Victims, Compilation 1996-1998, published for the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, 26 th June 1999 - bilingual French/English - its price: CHF. 25.- for Switzerland and US$ 25.- overseas Situation des Droits de l'Homme en Algérie et autres considérations…1999 - available in French only - its price: CHF. 25.- for Switzerland and US$ 25.- overseas The Hidden Crime, Compilation 1995-1998 on Children: Torture, Summary Executions, Disappearances, February 2000 - available in French and in English - its price: CHF. 25.- for Switzerland and US$ 25.- overseas ALTERNATIVE REPORTS to the United Nations' Treaty Monitoring Bodies Reports published following Committees of the Rights of the Child since 1995: The price of each report is: CHF. 10.- for Switzerland and US$ 10.- for overseas Rights of the Child in Senegal, 1995 - available in French and in English Rights of the Child in Nepal, 1996 - available in French and in English Rights of the Child in Guatemala, 1996 - available in French and in English Rights of the Child in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, 1996 - available in French and in English Rights of the Child in Nigeria, 1996 - available in French and in English Rights of the Child in Ethiopia, 1997 - available in French and in English Rights of the Child in Ghana, 1997 - available in French and in English Rights of the Child in Algeria, 1997 - available in French and in English Rights of the Child in Uganda, 1998 - available in English only Rights of the Child in Bangladesh, 1998 - available in English only Rights of the Child in Hungary, 1998 - available in French and in English Rights of the Child in Togo, 1999 - available in English only Rights of the Child in Yemen, 1999 - available in English only Rights of the Child in Benin, 1999 - available in English only Rights of the Child in Nicaragua, 1999 - available in English only Rights of the Child in Venezuela, 1999 - available in English only Reports published following Committees against Torture since 1996 The price of each report is: CHF. 10.- for Switzerland and US$ 10.- for overseas Implementation of the Convention against torture by the Republic of Korea, 1996 - available in French and in English Implementation of the Convention against torture by Namibia, 1997 - available in English only Reports published following Committees on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women since 1998: The price of each report is: CHF. 10.- for Switzerland and US$ 10.- for overseas Implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women by Indonesia, 1998 - available in English only Implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women by Zimbabwe, 1998 - available in English only Implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women by Thailand, 1999 - available in English only Implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women by Egypt, 2001 - available in English only Implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women by Burundi, 2001 - available in English only Implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women by Nicaragua, 2001 - available in English and Spanish Implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women by Vietnam, 2001 - available in English only Report on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women 1999 Violence Against Women: A Report, June 1999 - trilingual French/English/Spanish - its price: CHF. 20.- for Switzerland and US$ 20.- for overseas Compilation of reports by the Violence against Women Programme to the United Nations Treaty Monitoring Bodies in the year 2000 Violence Against Women: 10 Reports/year 2000 - available in English - CHF. 25. - for Switzerland and US$ 25.- for overseas Violence Against Women: 10 Reports/year 2001 - available in English - CHF. 25. - for Switzerland and US$ 25.- for overseas JOINT PUBLICATIONS El Terrorismo de Estado en Colombia, 1992 no longer available "L'intégrité physique et mentale" Violences et torture dans le monde arabe, published jointly with de: Agir ensemble pour les droits de l'homme, la Commission arabe des droits humains (ACHR), International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT), the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), 1998 - available in Arabic and in French "An End to Torture - Strategies for its eradication" : Part II-3: Perpetrators of Torture by Eric Sottas, Director of the OMCT, Edition by Bertil Dunér, Z-Books, London & New York – 1998 - available only in English "Human Rights: a Dangerous Commitment 1948-1998" – published jointly with the Forum 98 of NGOs and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), December 1998 - bilingual French/English Reports of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders (an OMCT and FIDH venture) since 1998 The price of each report is: CHF. 20.- for Switzerland and US$ 20.- for overseas "Human Rights Defenders on the front line", a report published for the 54 th Commission on Human Rights of the United Nations, March 1998 - trilingual French/English/Spanish "Human Rights Defenders on the front line", Annual Report 1997-1998, October 1998 - available in French, in English and in Spanish "Human Rights Defenders on the front line", Annual Report 1999, November 1999 - available in French, in English and in Spanish Geneva, May 2000