
Vacancy announcement: OMCT Europe - Human Rights Officer / Turkey, Eastern Europe & Central Asia Programme

OMCT Europe is currently seeking to recruita Human Rights Advisor to work on its Europe, Turkey and Central Asia program.

OMCT Europe is an affiliate organisation ofthe World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), the largest internationalcoalition of non-governmental organizations fighting against torture, summaryexecutions, forced disappearances and all other forms of cruel, inhuman anddegrading treatment, supporting its goals and objectives in Europe, Turkey andCentral Asia.

Location : OMCT Europe offices (Brussels, Belgium).

Conditions: Full-time position is preferred but part-time (minimum 70%) arrangementswill be considered. The position will require international travel.


The incumbent will work under thesupervision of the Head of OMCT Europe offices and in close partnership with all thematic programs. Responsibilities of the position include:

  • Coordinating and implementing OMCT Europe actions on Turkey and certainsub-regions of Eastern Europe and Central Asia in partnership withOMCT’s SOS-Torture Network members.
  • Conducting case and thematic advocacy in areas relevant to OMCT Europe’smandate, notably towards UN human rights mechanisms and EU institutions butalso towards the Council of Europe and the OSCE.
  • Lead in the development and implementation of sub-regional and countryprojects, developing effective protection schemes and anti-torture strategieswith the SOS torture network in the region.
  • Managing the aspects of the project’s resources, budgets including limiteddefenders or network support grants.


  • Advanced universitydegree, preferably a post-graduate degree in human rights or democratization,political science or international law.
  • Minimum 3-5 years ofexperience in the human rights field at the national and international levels,including with human rights organizations and/or the judicial system. Workexperience on Turkey, Eastern Europe and Central Asia is an asset.


  • Excellent knowledge ofinternational human rights law, and demonstrated knowledge of the UN proceduresand regional mechanisms for the protection of human rights;
  • Excellent and practicalexperience in human rights advocacy, project management cycles and development.
  • Excellent drafting andediting skills, past experience working on civil society reports to UnitedNations mechanism or other human rights and advocacy reports an asset;
  • Ability to work underpressure to deadlines and to adapt to multidisciplinary work in the environmentof a multicultural team; Excellent oral andwritten language skills in English. Fluency in other languages and particularlyin Turkish and/or Russian would be an asset.


OMCT is an equal opportunities employer.

Applications for this position should besent (by email only) to OMCT Europe at omcteurope@omct.org by April 5, 2019. For consideration, please send acover letter, a résumé and the contact details of two professional references,indicating “OMCT EUROPE HUMAN RIGHTS OFFICER” as your message subject. Onlyshortlisted candidates will be contacted.