
OMCT E-Bulletin - 79th session of the Committee against Torture

The 79th CAT session took place from 15th April- 10th May 2024, during which the Committee reviewed the reports submitted under Article 19 of the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment by Austria, Honduras, Azerbaijan, North Macedonia, and Finland.

The OMCT mobilises and coordinates civil society access to the United Nations Committee against Torture (CAT). During this session, representatives of 19 civil society organisations engaged with the CAT members during NGO private briefings, which take place before the consideration of the States reports. At the end of the session, the CAT published its Concluding Observations for each reviewed State party report.

During the presentation of the annual report, at the closing of the 79th session, the Committee highlighted that a confidential inquiry under Article 20 of the Convention against Torture had been carried out on Belarus following the repression of the 2020 protests. The Committee reached the conclusion that torture is a systematic practice in the country. More details can be found on UN Web TV, in the video recording of the 2108th Meeting, 79th session, specifically from minute 8 to minute 18. A summary of the main findings and recommendations has been included in the annual report, that will be published in the coming weeks.

The Concluding Observations, are now available on the session page.

Read the complete version of the E-Bulletin

Upcoming Sessions

80th CAT session (8th July- 26th July 2024)

The Committee will review the State Party reports of Côte d'Ivoire, Ecuador, Republic of Korea, and Türkiye.

  • The deadline for CSO’s submissions for the State report reviews at the 80th session is 10 June 2024.
  • The deadline for CSOs submissions for the LOIs and LOIPR for the 80th session is 10th June 2024.
  • Written submissions should be sent in Word format to the following e-mail address: ohchr-cat@un.org.

81st CAT session (28th October- 22nd November 2024)

The Committee will review the State Party reports of Cameroon, Jordan, Kuwait, Mongolia, and Thailand.

  • The Committee will adopt the List of Issues Prior to Reporting (LOIPR) for Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Serbia, and Sweden.
  • The deadline for CSO’s submissions for the State report reviews at the 81st session is 30th September 2024.
  • The deadline for CSOs submissions for the LOIs and LOIPR for the 81st session is 20th June 2024
  • Written submissions should be sent in Word format to the following e-mail address: ohchr-cat@un.org.