
Internship announcement: Global CAT Civil Society Programme



The World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), the largest internationalcoalition of nongovernmental organisations fighting against torture, summaryexecutions, forced disappearances and all other forms of cruel, inhuman anddegrading treatment, is currently seeking to recruit an INTERN for its Committee against Torture related activities.

Location: International Secretariat of the OMCT, Geneva,Switzerland.

Dates and duration: The internship will start on 4 April 2016 for aminimum of 3 months.

Application date: until 8 February 2016.


The Committee against Torture will be holding its 57thsession from 18 April to 13 May 2016. The OMCT is facilitating the coordinationof civil society activities during the session and is supporting the access ofCivil Society Organisations to the Committee against Torture in person. It isalso expanding the Committee’s reach through participating in the webcasting ofthe Committee sessions, sharing experiences through live tweets and a blog, andis issuing E-bulletins on the Committee’s sessions.

The intern will work under the supervision of the Programme Director of theOMCT Global CAT Civil Society Programme and his/her activities will include:

· To assist in the coordination of Civil SocietyOrganisations’ engagement with the Committee against Torture;

· To follow the country reviews during the 57thsession of the Committee and other meetings in relation to the session;

· To draft the E-bulletin; 

· To carry out research on torture related issues.


· Attainedor concluding a University degree in law, international relations, socialsciences or related field;

· Goodknowledge of the UN procedures and regional mechanisms for the protection of 

· Excellentdrafting and editing skills;

· Abilityto work under pressure to deadlines and to adapt to multidisciplinary work inthe 
environment of a multicultural team;

· Goodinterpersonal and communication skills;

· Fluencyin oral and written French and English. Knowledge of Spanish will beappreciated. 

Applications for this position should be sent (byemail only) to Carin Benninger-Budel at cbb@omct.org. Forconsideration, please send a cover letter and a CV indicating “INTERNSHIP “ asyour message Subject. Only preselected candidates will be considered. For more informationabout the OMCT, please visit our website: www.omct.org