
Grant call for local anti-torture organisations in Kazakhstan

Deadline: 13 March 2024

As part of the United Against Torture Consortium (UATC), launched in 2023 by the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) and five other major anti-torture organisations - the International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT), the International Federation of ACATs (FIACAT), the Association for the Prevention of Torture (APT), Omega Research Foundation and REDRESS – the OMCT will provide targeted and strategic support to local anti-torture organisations in Kazakhstan to increase the impact and reach of their work, foster their sustainability and resilience in response to adversity, and stimulate the growth of the movement.

The UATC is funded by the European Union (EU).


The OMCT works with around 200 member organisations, which constitute its SOS-Torture Network, to end torture, fight impunity and protect human rights defenders worldwide. The SOS-Torture Network is the largest global group actively standing up to torture in more than 75 countries. Helping local voices be heard, the OMCT supports its field partners and directly assists victims. The international secretariat of the OMCT is based in Geneva, with offices in Brussels and Tunis.


With the financial support of the EU, the OMCT supports the initiatives of Kazakhstani anti-torture organisations seeking to contribute to implementing the Committee against Torture (CAT) recommendations. The aim is to support civil society actors in implementing CAT recommendations and to strengthen the Coalition of Civil Society Organisations against Torture.

The total amount available for this project is 7,000 EUR.


In June 2023, CAT published Concluding Observations on the fourth periodic report of Kazakhstan (CAT/C/KAZ/CO/4). In its concluding observations, CAT recommended to the State to bring the legal definition of torture contained in article 146 of the Criminal Code and other relevant pieces of legislation into line with article 1 of the CAT; ensure that all allegations of violence against detainees and all deaths in custody are investigated and that suspected offenders are prosecuted and, if convicted, punished appropriately; ensure that all acts of torture and ill-treatment, including excessive use of force, that occurred during the events of January 2022 are promptly investigated in an independent and impartial manner and that the suspected perpetrators are duly tried and, if found guilty, punished in a manner commensurate with the gravity of their acts; strengthen the capacity of the national preventive mechanism; improve the quality of health services provided to detainees; strengthen its preventive action aimed at eliminating hazing and ill-treatment of personnel in the army, ensure effective investigations into all allegations of abuse and deaths of personnel in the army, among other important recommendations.

Within the framework of the CAT follow-up procedure, the OMCT aims to support the strengthening of civil society organisations against torture in the country to promote the implementation of the CAT recommendations together with relatives, victims and survivors of torture.

Applicant organisations should submit proposals, which may include the following actions:

  1. Preparing an alternative follow-up report to the CAT;
  2. Organising meetings with CSOs, authorities and international stakeholders to promote compliance with CAT recommendations, including providing technical assistance to state representatives in complying with the recommendations;
  3. Organising public events to make the work of anti-torture organisations, as well as CAT recommendations, visible to journalists, other civil society organisations, university experts, state institutions, diplomatic representatives and/or international agencies;
  4. Organising seminars for human rights defenders and civil society representatives, including members of anti-torture organisations, on litigation strategies and international advocacy before the World Human Rights System, with the participation of OMCT representatives;
  5. Organising meetings with victims of torture and their relatives to document human rights violations to identify and develop advocacy strategies within the United Nations system (Human Rights Council, Special Procedures and treaty bodies);
  6. Raising awareness of the anti-torture organisation's efforts (such as the alternative reports submitted to CAT and the follow-up reports) through printed and digital training materials.

The proposed activities must be implemented by 31 December 2024. OMCT may provide technical advice and/or participate in implementing the proposed activities. All tasks and actions should:

> Promote participatory and inclusive methodology and decision-making among anti-torture organisations;

> Assess appropriate safeguards for the safety of participating individuals/organisations.


  • The applicant must be a registered or unregistered civil society group, organisation and/or coalition;
  • The applicant must be a local anti-torture organisation that seeks to increase the impact and reach of its work and foster its sustainability and resilience while contributing to the growth of the movement;


Applications made jointly by more than one organisation will be considered. In this case, it is necessary to identify a main applicant organisation. The main applicant organisation will manage financial resources and promptly present narrative and financial reports. The division of tasks between the applicant organisations should be specified in the application. Personnel from the organisation/organisations/consultants may be hired to carry out the activities identified in the call.

One application (individual or joint) will be selected and supported based on an evaluation with indicators considering the eligibility criteria and the proposal's substance, scope and methodology.

Applications (available here) should be emailed to Maryia Kvitsinskaya, OMCT Human Rights Officer for the Europe and Central Asia Programme: mkv@omct.org. The deadline is 13 March 2024.

To have your application considered, please send an email mentioning “Grant Call – Kazakhstan” as a subject.

This Open Call for financing country projects has been made possible with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT). They can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.