
Consultancy: Baseline studies on CAT implementation – 15 countries



** Consultancy: Baseline studies onCAT implementation – 15 countries **

The World OrganisationAgainst Torture (OMCT) is the largest international coalition ofnongovernmental organisations fighting against torture, summary executions,forced disappearances and all other forms of cruel, inhuman and degradingtreatment.

In the framework of OMCT’smainframe anti-torture programme, the Convention Against Programme (CAT), OMCTfunctions as the main civil society coordinator during country reviews by theUN Committee against Torture. The CAT Programme’s primary project during2017-2020 is the “Civil Society United Against Torture Initiative,” (theProject) the main objective of which is to contribute to the greater preventionof, and accountability and redress for torture and other cruel, inhuman, ordegrading treatment or punishment around the world, enabled by empowerednational civil society organisations (CSOs) advancing the implementation of theConvention Against Torture, in particular in challenging environments and forsectors with specific and/or multiple vulnerabilities.

Within the framework of theProject, the OMCT is commissioning a set of baseline studies on the currentstate of the implementation of the Convention against Torture in the 15 focuscountries of the Project. This will enable a more standardized understanding ofwhere these countries are today on the road towards compliance with theConvention and the recommendations of the CAT Committee. They will provide astructured basis to monitor and evaluate progress, regression, and changesregarding these countries’ compliance during and after the completion of theProject. Moreover, they will guide the OMCT in developing country specificstrategies and in planning and targeting activities.


The OMCT is seeking tocontract a Consultant to gather data, information, and statistics against astandard set of key indicators on each of the 15 countries being targeted forincreased compliance with the Convention under the United Project, including:Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Philippines, Togo, the Ivory Coast,Honduras, Mexico, the Russian Federation, Guatemala, Democratic republic of theCongo, and other countries to be determined.


  1. To participate in the identification and articulation of parameters forthe baseline studies.
  2. To conduct research and gather verifiable dataand information enabling us to understand where the country is in 2018 on thesekey parameters.
  3. To work with the CAT Programme Director andothers in the CAT Programme team at the OMCT to review, revise, refine, andensure accuracy and usefulness of the data and information gathered.
  4. To finalize the Baseline Studies and presentthem with the CAT Team to the OMCT Secretary General and other OMCT teams,exploring ways for their collective use in their respective planning,implementing, monitoring, evaluation, and learning on the focus countries.
  5. To ensure that all deliverables are provided on or before agreeddeadlines.


  1. To provide all available raw materials neededfor the CONSULTANT to comply with her/his/their responsibilities – backgrounddocuments, highlights, language, verbal input, etc.
  2. To be available for consultation on thecountries and indicators as well as on-going, back-and-forth revisions andimprovements.
  3. To provide timely payments upon receipt of appropriateand satisfactory deliverables.


  1. Up to 15 completed OMCT CAT Programme CountryBaseline Studies (expected to be approximately 3-4 page documents).
  2. An indicator glossary – brief description ofeach of the generic indicators chosen and used in the baseline studies.


The Consultancy must beginwork as soon as possible (starting 10 January 2018), in order to deliverthe first draft of the Impact Report by 10 February. The consultant willthen continue work through the 28 February in order to further revise andfinalize the Baseline Studies, and complete any and all related deliverables.The available budget for this contract is CHF 7,500.00 The most competitiveconsultancy proposals will be those with the highest quality proposal that arebudgeted within this amount.


The consultancy will be basedin the International Secretariat of the OMCT, located in Geneva, Switzerland.The CONSULTANT will work under guidance and supervision of the Director of theOMCT Convention Against Torture Programme.

To beconsidered eligible, candidates must possess the following:

  1. A valid permit to work in Switzerland (required);
  2. Experience in the field of human rights, inparticular with the UN Committee Against Torture (required);
  3. At least one previous experience compiling /writing reports or project evaluations for a recognized national, regional, orinternational NGO or IGO (required);
  4. Masters’ Degree or equivalent in law, internationalaffairs, project management, or related field (required);
  5. Excellent fluency in oral and written English(required), with additional fluencies in French and Spanish as important assets(preferred);
  6. Experience with research,data-gathering and statistical analysis is an asset (highly valued)
  7. Experience with simple graphic design tools (highly valued).


Applications for this consultancy will be considered on a first-comefirst-assessed basis, but should be sent by the 14 December 2018. Interested applicants mustsubmit a CV, anExpression ofInterest detailing the proposed methodology, time frame, and fee (maximum 3pages), and the full names and contact details of two relevant references, to Halima Dekhissi : hd(at)omct.org. Applicationscan be submitted in either French or English. Please use “CAT Baseline Studies Consultant” as thesubject of your email. Please appreciate that due to the volume ofapplications, only short-listedcandidates will be contacted. We cannot answer phone enquiries. Thank you foryour understanding.