
Consultancy Announcement: Leading Collective CSO Research on torture and migration in Africa

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** Leading Collective CSO Research on torture and migration in Africa **

Created in 1985, and with over 200-member organisations in its SOS-Torture Network, the WorldOrganisation Against Torture (OMCT) is today the largest international coalition of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) fighting against torture, summary executions, forced disappearances and all other forms of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment and punishment. OMCT’s International Secretariat is based in Geneva and it has offices in Brussels and Tunis


The OMCT seeks to contract a Consultant to lead collective CSO research in conjunction with itsSOS torture network group on protecting people on the move, including women and children, in Africa from torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. The work is conducted part of a joint initiative with its network member, le Collectif des Associations contre l’Impunité au Togo (CACIT)[i], who co-convened the SOS torture working group on migration.The consultant is to coordinateand direct a range of country studies and finalise the publication of the research.The research will identify legal and practical protection gaps and set out key policy recommendations.


Migration poses serious protection challenges, most of all on the migration routes where those on the move face increased risks of multiple threats of torture and other forms of ill-treatment by both state and non-State actors as states are failing to protect to those on the move. While the “migration issue” has received attention from a humanitarian and refugee perspective, still less attention has been paid to the specific vulnerability to aspects of torture and ill-treatment when people are on the move.

At the same time, local CSOs in Africa have unique access to vulnerable communities like people on the move and to first-hand information. Yet local organisations find it often difficult to access best practices or to engage in a broader global or regional discours that affect their work. Therefore, in the context of this project, we will principally work with local CSOs in Africa with particular expertise, selected through an open call, that will allow setting out authoritative and comparative data in order to engage on an effective protection agenda domestically, regionally and globally and to foster alliances for the protection of this vulnerable group.


· Collect information and undertake research (i.e. desk research, interviews with partners and experts) to prepare a concept note describing in general lines the principle protection issues regarding torture and people on the move in Africa in order to facilitate and kick start the working group meeting;

· Participate and lead in two 2-day working group meeting with 12 selected CSO Experts in Africa (country to be confirmed) in September2019 and January 2012, set the agenda, collect information from the participants on the protection challenges, including legal and policy issues, inthe various countries represented by the participants and decide together on a research plan and methodology;

· Oversee the progress of the research undertaken by the12 CSO expert members and support in the drafting of the studies covering 12 countries, including legal and policy recommendations based on the findings to OMCT member organisations and other partners CSOs, States as well as regional and international organisations;

· Finalise the research for publication and co-organise its launches domestically, regionally and globally.


· Provision of all available raw materials needed for the Consultant to comply with her/his/their responsibilities;

· Selection of the 12 CSO experts through and open call;

· Asssisting in organising the two 2--days working group meeting in terms of venue, travels, accommodation and other logistics for the working group meeting;

· Being available for consultation on the various documents as well as intensive, on-going, back-and-forth revisions and improvements;

· Assuring the translation of the report intoEnglish/French, the lay out and printing of the report;

· Setting up a communication strategy and assist in the launches of the report;

· Providing timely payments upon receipt of appropriate and satisfactory deliverables.


· A concept note reflecting the principle protection issues regarding torture and people on the move in Africa to facilitate the discussions during the working group meeting on people on the move in Africa;

· Leading in the design of two working group meetings with the 12 selected CSO experts;

· Propose a specific methodology and research plan jointly with the OMCT secretariat to be adopted by the SOS torture and migration working group;

· Finalised report of the collective CSO research on the protection of people on the move in Africa.


TheConsultant must begin in July 2019 in order to deliver the final version of the report on the research by April 2020 at the latest.

The maximum available budget for this contract is EUR 25.000. The most competitive consultancy proposals will be those with the highest quality proposal that are budgeted within.


The consultancy will be home-based with travel to the International Secretariat of the OMCT, locatedi n Geneva, Switzerland, including the mandatory attendance of the workshop inAfrica (country to be confirmed). The Consultant will work under guidance and supervision of the OMCT Director of the Convention against Torture programme, the Coordinator of OMCT’s Africa Desk and the Secretary General, and in close collaboration with OMCT SOS-TortureNetwork members.


· Masters’ Degree or equivalent in law, international relations, or related field (required);

· Recognised competence and experience in the field of human rights, in particular in the field of migration/refugee law and torture or other ill-treatment related issues (required);

· Experience in working in a multidisciplinary environment with a diverse group of stake-holders from different backgrounds;

· Good understanding of migration dynamics and context in Africa

· Experience in organising international meetings and coordinating group work;

· Good drafting skills, and previous experience compiling / writing manuals/reports fora recognised national, regional, or international NGO;

· Excellent fluency in French and English, with other langauges such as Arabic an asset;

· Excellent drafting, communication and presentation skills;


Applications for this consultancy will be considered on a first-come first-assessed basis, but should be sent by 17 June 2019. Interested applicants must submit a CV, an Expression of Interest detailing the proposed methodology, time frame, and fee (maximum 3 pages), and the full names and contact details of two relevant references, to applications@omct.org.

Applications can be submitted in either French orEnglish. Please use “People on the Move”as the subject of your email.

Please appreciate that due to the volume of applications, only short-listed candidates will be contacted. We cannot answer phone enquiries. Thank you for your understanding.

[i] The Collectif des Associations contre l’Impunité au Togo (CACIT) is a network of associations and NGOs involved in the protection and promotion of human rights. The CACIT brings together various civil society organisations and persons of high moral standing, marked by the spirit of justice, equality and liberty.