Austria: The worrying lack of medical staff in detention centres to be resolved

During the 79th Session of the Committee Against Torture (CAT) on Tuesday 16th April and Wednesday 17th April 2024, the CAT conducted its 7th periodic review of Austria.
The country rapporteurs were Mr. Liu and Mr. Iscan.
The country delegation was led by Christoph Wieland, the Deputy Permanent Representative of Austria to the United Nations Office at Geneva and head of the delegation
Main issues discussed:
The CAT experts welcomed the establishment of the new Police Complaints Office, which is intended to contribute to more transparency and accountability for Austrian police. However, they pointed out that the investigations into allegations of ill treatment by public officials were not always carried out impartially by an independent authority.
The CAT experts questioned Austria on the asylum system, indicating a lack of procedures to properly identify asylum seekers with specific needs, including victims of torture and persons with disabilities.
The Committee was further concerned about the appropriateness of facilities, in particular mass housing facilities, for unaccompanied children, which were not child friendly. These conditions create risk of exposure to violence. In 2023, 743 unaccompanied minors were granted international protection.
The CAT experts raised concerns about the prison system despite reforms made. They inquired about the overcrowded facilities and the lack of medical staff, such as psychologists, for mentally ill detainees, with only one medical staff for every 20 detainees. Moreover, the experts were worried about the use of solitary confinement, which seems to be on the rise. They also expressed concerns about the use of tasers inside prisons, which should never be used on vulnerable detainees, such as pregnant women and people with heart problems.
The CAT’s recommendations are available here.
Follow-up recommendations:
The State party should provide information by the 10th of May 2025 on the implementation of recommendations regarding:
- The monitoring of detention facilities.
- The conditions of detention, including the prevention of overcrowding in penitentiary institutions and other detention facilities and the caution on the use of solitary confinement.
- The treaty of 1982 between Austria and Liechtenstein, with regard to the existence of necessary safeguards for the prevention of torture and other forms of ill-treatment.
Watch here (part one and part two) of the dialogue with the CAT.