
Side Event: "Human Rights Defenders in Cambodia: A Call For Support"

Invitation- SIDE EVENT

HumanRights Defenders in Cambodia: A Call For Support

23 September 2014

10.00 – 12.00

Room XXIV - Palais des Nations

In 2014, human rights defendersin Cambodia continue to be the target of intimidation, arbitrary arrestsand spurious criminal charges, particularly when their activism relates toland and labour rights. This side event will present the perspectiveand outlook of human rights defenders with a view to explore ways for theinternational community to support the protection of human rightsdefenders in Cambodia.

During the side event the documentary "TheRights of Others" will be screened.


Prof. Surya PrasadSubedi (UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation ofHuman Rights in Cambodia)

Mr. Am Sam Ath (Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of HumanRights, LICADHO), with translation by Mr. Nay Vanda

Mr. Chan Puthisak (Boeung Kak Lake community) with translation by Mr. Phal Cheng

Ms. Chhay Chhunly (Cambodian Center for Human Rights)

Moderator: Ms.Anne-Laurence Lacroix (World Organisation against Torture, OMCT)