
Panel discussion: Can the media help promote human rights and fight torture in Russia and elsewhere?


SOS-Torture Network member organization

the Committee Against Torture from Nizhny Novgorod

cordially invite you to a panel discussion on 9 November from 6:30–8:30 p.m.

“Can the media help promote human rights and fight torture in Russia and elsewhere?”


Ms. Olga Sadovskaya, Committee Against Torture from Nizhny Novgorod Deputy Director

Ms. Therese Obrecht Hodler, journalist and former President of Reporters sans frontières

Mr. Maksim Kurnikov, Editor-in-Chief of radio Ekho Moskvy

Mr. Protsenko Nikita, Editor at Mediazone


Mr. Gerald Staberock, OMCT Secretary General

The panel discussion will be followed by a cocktail