26 Human Rights Organisations Demand Justice for the Women of Atenco
- Event Date: 11.05.09
- Event Time: 00:00:00
OMCT and 25 other human rights organisations from all around the world signed onto a full ad in the Mexican newspaper EL UNIVERSAL on Monday, 11 May 2009, on a call by Center Prodh and Amnesty International.
The newspaper ad demands justice for the at least 26 women who were tortured physically, sexually and psychologically in San Salvador Atenco on May 3 and 4, 2006. See report by OMCT, Center Prodh and CLADEM Mexico.
After 3 years of impunity on these cases, the ad directs itself to President Felipe Calderón, asking him "What are you waiting for?" and telling him that "The world is observing” and “The difference between impunity and justice is ACTION".