Annual Reports

Annual report 2013

In 2013, victims supported by the OMCT benefited from a multidisciplinary assistance, including medical, legal and social, according to their needs.

  • In the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the OMCT supported the construction of a “Women’s House” in Goma and funded medical costs, therapy and school fees for girls who had suffered sexual violence.
  • The OMCT established two counselling centres for victims of torture in the cities of Sidi Bouzid and Kef, in Tunisia, in partnership with the Tunisian Organisation Against Torture.
  • The OMCT regularly organised training seminars relating to the submission of individual complaints to the United Nations Treaty Bodies.
  • Finally, a particular emphasis was placed on the implementation of recommendations adopted by the Committee against Torture during six missions to Mexico, Indonesia, the Philippines, Colombia, Chile and Togo.

Read the Annual Report 2013 here.