Annual Reports
Annual report 2008

Some important highlights of the 2008 annual report include:
- Strengthening of collaboration with intergovernmental bodies: In October 2008 in Brussels, the OMCT – within the framework of the Observatory for the protection of human rights defenders – organised a meeting that brought together UN and regional human rights mechanisms working on defenders to improve their coordination with respect to intervention both in individual cases and during visits to the field.
- Mobilisation of the media and public opinion: In 2008, the OMCT started exploring the potential of using audiovisual means of communication to promote its protection work and to reach out to new audiences. The OMCT produced its first documentary following the solidarity mission carried out in Ciudad Juárez in Mexico in September 2008. Finally, it put in place a group of legal experts to help women plaintiffs and support their legal actions, especially through amicus curiae.
- Effectiveness of action in the long term: In 2008, OMCT managed to ensure a nearly 42% follow-up rate on urgent interventions by regularly following up with the NGOs at the source of the information.
Read the full Annual Report 2008 here.